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C. G Jung Atheism Video

Find and Speak to Your Soul by C.G. Jung (read by Gilberto Graywolf)

C. G Jung Atheism - will

. C. G Jung Atheism

Excellent, agree: C. G Jung Atheism

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C. G Jung Atheism — C. G. Jung, Psychology and Religion, para. 21 comments. share. save. hide. report. 99% Upvoted. Here Jung adopts the argument of the atheists, i.e., that God is a creation of the human mind, rather than the reverse. But, today, science has made us realize the mind-boggling complexity and sophistication of the universe. — C. G. Jung, Psychology and Religion, para. 21 comments. share. save. hide. report. 99% Upvoted. Here Jung adopts the argument of the atheists, i.e., that God is a creation of the human mind, rather than the reverse. But, today, science has made us realize the mind-boggling complexity and sophistication of the universe. — C. G. Jung, Psychology and Religion, para. 21 comments. share. save. hide. report. 99% Upvoted. Here Jung adopts the argument of the atheists, i.e., that God is a creation of the human mind, rather than the reverse. But, today, science has made us realize the mind-boggling complexity and sophistication of the universe.

C. G Jung Atheism - think, that

. C. G Jung Atheism

Scientific materialism has merely introduced a new hypostasis, and that is an intellectual sin. It has given another name to the supreme principle of reality and has assumed that this created a new thing and destroyed an old thing.

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Whether you call the principle of existence "God," "matter," "energy," or anything else you like, you have created nothing; you have simply changed a symbol. The materialist is a metaphysician malgre lui [despite himself].

C. G Jung Atheism

Faith, on the other hand, tries to retain a primitive mental condition on merely sentimental grounds. It is unwilling to give up the primitive, childlike relationship to mind-created and hypostatized figures; it wants to go on enjoying the security and confidence of a world still presided over by powerful, responsible, and kindly parents.

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Faith may include a sacrificium intellectus provided there is an intellect to sacrificebut certainly not a sacrifice of feeling. In this way the faithful remain children instead of becoming as children, and they do not gain their life because they have not lost it.

C. G Jung Atheism

Furthermore, faith collides with science and thus gets its deserts, for it refuses to share in the spiritual adventure of our age. Jung, Psychology and Religion, para.]

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