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Brave And Fearless Hero In Macbeth

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Cpl Holly Percival, 24, accepted the trophy on behalf of staff at Camp Bastion medical unit in honour of their fearless efforts caring for our wounded heroes. Holly and other emergency teams brave Taliban fire to accompany our soldiers on the battlefield. Gary, 48, said: "Combat medics go on the front line and make quick decisions on things like amputations. It's above and beyond the call of duty. It will live with me for ever. Macbeht gave Gary and Freddie an insight into the dangers as she explained how she was once pinned down by Taliban fire for 26 hours.

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Holly, of Watford, said: "They were firing off rocket-propelled grenades and setting off IEDs improvised explosive devices. One guy lost a leg and others had blast injuries, gunshot wounds, heat injuries and broken legs and I was having to treat them while being shot at. I thought I was going to die. They dived for cover alongside servicemen and women at nearby Kandahar air base after an alarm warned of an imminent rocket hit.

Thankfully, an all-clear was sounded 30 seconds later. Gary had another scare when his military plane lost one of its four engines and had to return to base. He and Freddie admitted the visit had given them even greater respect for our courageous forces. Dad of four Gary said: "I expected it to be tough but didn't expect the environment I've discovered. I've a son who's just turned 18 and the fact there are kids out there the same age as him really makes you think. I play cricket for my country - but then come here and meet people of 18 fighting for their country. The trainee combat medical Brave And Fearless Hero In Macbeth, 23, sprang into action after the man in his 40s suffered a heart attack.

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Vicky, of the 2nd Medical Read article, said: "He had no pulse so would have died in minutes. I didn't have time to be scared. We shocked his heart and after four attempts we got it started. She said: "It was a serious reality check coming out here. But everyone is so strong and all work together. The bubbly brunette has spent the last four years using her talent for choreography to turn dozens of shy youngsters into cheerleaders.

She became a die-hard supporter of the Belfast Giants as Macbeyh studied drama in London. But on returning to her home city she found there was a gaping hole in the Belfast ice heroes support.]

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