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Being A Bilingual Person Essay Being A Bilingual Person Essay

The cause of this mindset can be attributed to the growing prominence of English in the international community and certain pro-English legislation Wallstrum,p.

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For example, the No Child Left Behind Act prioritizes Bliingual subjects, including mathematics, language arts, social sciences, and natural sciences, over foreign language instruction Christian et al. Despite the significant increase in DLLs over the past several decades, American education policies have remained stagnant and have failed to accommodate the unique set of students.

Being A Bilingual Person Essay

DLLs in the United States typically come from lower socioeconomic households and immigrant families Espinosa,p. As a result, Espinosa states that most DLL students rely on federally subsidized programs for pre-kindergarten education; however, these programs do not consistently meet quality standards and impose a monolinguist approach p. Rather than beginning bilingual instruction during the primary phase of education, most schools in the United States postpone it until the secondary phase.

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Research by Faruji indicates that late second language L2 learners perform worse compared to early L2 learners on all linguistic measures, including decoding, speed, and working memory p. These discrepancies may not appear to be true problems until one analyzes the countless disregarded benefits. The first classification of benefits is psychological, which are the effects directly related to the way people think and process information. Due to modern advancements in magnetoencephalography MEGneuroscientists have discovered Being A Bilingual Person Essay about the processes that occur during early language acquisition Espinosa,p. Across many studies cited by Espinosabilingual infants consistently proved to have heightened neural plasticity and linguistic abilities compared to their monolingual counterparts p.

Consequently, with greater mental flexibility, bilingual children possess greater mathematical proficiency and are more capable of problem-solving Soderman,p. This assertion supports the idea that bilingual children click here understand the mechanisms of their native language and can acquire successive languages at an accelerated rate.

Being A Bilingual Person Essay

Besides just learning a second language, the timing of language acquisition is essential for its cognitive development. Following this period, children find it increasingly difficult to learn new languages since they no longer focus on the sounds and grammar of language but rather its contextual applications Espinosa,p.

Similarly, Faruji claims that late second language learners do not process language as naturally as early language learners do p. This phenomenon is due to the cerebral areas in which each language is processed. For instance, early L2 learners process their second language in the same region as their first language, which Persln seamless transition between the two. On the contrary, late L2 learners develop a second neural area Being A Bilingual Person Essay process new languages, which means communication is less automatic.

Being A Bilingual Person Essay

In addition to short-term benefits, early bilingualism aids in longevity of life and helps to combat neurodegenerative diseases such as dementia Espinosa,p.]

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