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. Aztec Civilization Vs Mayan Civilization Essay

Tlalocthe god of rain and lightning and thunder.

Aztec Civilization Vs Mayan Civilization Essay

He is a fertility god Chalchiuhtlicuegoddess of water, lakes, rivers, seas, streams, horizontal waters, storms, and baptism. Huixtocihuatlgoddess of salt Opochtlithe god of fishing and birdcatchers, discoverer of the harpoon and net Atlahuathe god of water, a fisherman and archer Fire deities Xiuhtecuhtlithe god of fire and time Chanticogoddess of firebox and volcanoes Xolotlthe god of death, associated with Venus as the Evening Star Double of Quetzalcoatl Death deities Mictlantecuhtlithe god of the dead, ruler of the Underworld Mictecacihuatlgoddess of the dead, ruler of the Underworld Xolotlthe god of death, associated with Aztec Civilization Vs Mayan Civilization Essay as the Evening Star Double of Quetzalcoatl Sky deities Tezcatlipocathe God of providence, the darkness and the invisible, lord of the night, ruler of the North.

Xipe-Totecthe god of force, lord of the seasons and rebirth, ruler of the East. Quetzalcoatlthe god of the life, the light and wisdom, lord of the winds and the day, ruler of the West.

Aztec Civilization Vs Mayan Civilization Essay

Huitzilopochtlithe god of the go here, lord of the sun and fire, ruler of the South. Xolotlthe god of death, associated with Venus as the Evening Star Double of Quetzalcoatl Ehecatlthe god of wind Tlalocthe god of rain and lightning and thunder. He is a fertility god Coyolxauhquigoddess and leader of the Centzonhuitznahua, associated with the moon Meztligoddess of moon Centzonmimixcoagods of the northern stars Centzonhuitznahuagods of the southern stars Tlahuizcalpantecuhtligod of the morning star Venus Lords of the Night Xiuhtecuhtlithe god of fire and time Tezcatlipocathe God of providence, the darkness and the invisible, lord of the night, ruler of the North.

Aztec Civilization Vs Mayan Civilization Essay

Piltzintecuhtlithe god of the visions, Aztec Civilization Vs Mayan Civilization Essay with Mercury the planet that is visible just before sunrise or just after sunset and healing Centeotlgod of maize Mictlantecuhtligod of the Underworld Chalchiuhtlicuegoddess of water, lakes, rivers, seas, streams, horizontal waters, storms, and baptism Tlazolteotlgoddess of lust, carnality, sexual misdeeds Tepeyollotlthe god of the animals, darkened caves, echoes, and earthquakes. Tepeyollotl is a variant of Tezcatlipoca, associated with mountains Tlalocthe god of rain and lightning and thunder. He is a fertility god Xiuhtecuhtlithe god of fire and time Tlaltecuhtlithe old god of earth changed in the landscape and atmosphere Chalchiuhtlicuegoddess of water, lakes, rivers, seas, streams, horizontal waters, storms, and baptism Tonatiuhgod of the Sun Tlazolteotlgoddess of lust, carnality, sexual misdeeds Mictecacihuatlgoddess of the Underworld Centeotlgod of maize Tlalocthe god of rain and lightning and thunder.

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He is a fertility god Quetzalcoatlthe god of the life, the light and wisdom, lord of the winds and the day, ruler of the West. Tezcatlipocathe god of providence, the darkness and the invisible, lord of the night, ruler of the North. Tlahuizcalpantecuhtligod of dawn Citlalicuegoddess of female stars Milky Way Citlalatonacgod of female stars Husband of Citlalicue Aztec Civilization Vs Mayan Civilization Essay deities Xipe-Totecgod of force, lord of the seasons and rebirth, ruler of the East.

Tonacatecuhtligod of sustenance associated with Ometecuhtli Tonacacihuatlgoddess of sustenance associated with Omecihuat Tlaltecuhtliold god of earth changed in the landscape and atmosphere Chicomecoatlgoddess of agriculture Centeotlgod of the maize associated with the Tianquiztli Pleiades Xilonengoddess read article tender maize Matron goddesses Coatlicuegoddess of fertility, life, death and rebirth Chimalmagoddess of fertility, life, death and rebirth Xochitlicuegoddess of fertility, life, death and rebirth Itzpapalotlobsidian butterfly, leader of the Tzitzimitl Tocigoddess of health.]

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