In your Case Study Analysis related to the scenario provided, explain the following: 2 page minimum required Explanations need to reflect the given scenario.
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The factors that affect fertility STDs. Why prostatitis and infection happens. Also explain the causes of systemic reaction. Why a patient would need a splenectomy after a diagnosis of ITP. Anemia and the different kinds of anemia i.

Scenario: A year-old female presents to the ED with a chief complaint of fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, and vaginal discharge. She states these symptoms started about 3 days ago, but she thought she had the flu. She has begun to have LLQ pain and notes bilateral lower back pain. She denies dysuria, foul-smelling urine, or frequency.
States she is married and has sexual intercourse with her husband. PMH negative. Connect with a professional writer in 5 simple steps Please provide as many details about your writing struggle as possible Academic level of your paper Type of Paper How many pages is this assigment? Cardio-respiratory exam WNL with the exception of tachycardia but no murmurs, rubs, here, or gallops.]

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