Are Prisons Obsolete By Angela Davis Summary - Custom Academic Help

Question: Are Prisons Obsolete By Angela Davis Summary

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Dr. Angela Davis - Are Prisons Obsolete?

Are Prisons Obsolete By Angela Davis Summary - agree with

Don't use plagiarized sources. Get custom paper In the book Are Prisons Obsolete? Davis, she argues for the abolition of the present prison system. The book outlined the disturbing history behind the institution of prisons. Instead of solving the crime problem, prison system introduced a social ill that needs to be addressed. The book pushes for a total reformation that includes the eradication of the system and institution of revolutionary ways of dealing with crime and punishment. Are Prisons Obsolete By Angela Davis Summary. Are Prisons Obsolete By Angela Davis Summary

Your first draft should be typed and must be at least 4 double-spaced pages in length with margins of no more than one inch.

Are Prisons Obsolete By Angela Davis Summary

Any rough drafts submitted after Friday, March 26 will be considered late and penalized accordingly. You will also be responsible for writing up comments for one of your fellow students. As soon as you submit your first draft, I will send it to the student who will act as your peer reviewer, and you will in turn receive a paper from a fellow student to comment on.

Are Prisons Obsolete By Angela Davis Summary

You will receive comments from your peer reviewer within two days and also must submit your own comments within two days. So the sooner you submit your first draft, the sooner you will receive your comments.

Are Prisons Obsolete By Angela Davis Summary

The final version of your essay must be at least 5 double-spaced typed pages in length. Any final drafts submitted after April 9 will be considered late and Summqry accordingly. I will be grading this draft and will offer substantive comments, which you can use to revise and resubmit the essay in order to raise your grade, if you choose to do so.

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Are Prisons Obsolete By Angela Davis Summary To Prksons this argument, Davis uses a number of different approaches, including statistics, scholarly research, quotes from different experts, historical sources, and her own personal experience and the personal experiences of others, among other techniques. Your focus in this essay will be on what Angela Davis says in her article source, but also, just as important, how she expresses these things as a writer. Your Anhela is to write about some of the techniques used by Davis to build her argument; how exactly she brings these different techniques together to make a larger argument in the book; and whether or not you think she uses each of these techniques effectively and as a result makes a convincing argument.

Next, in the body of your essay, you should cite, explain, and analyze at least four specific quotes from her book, looking in detail at the ways that she builds her argument in each of these passages.

Here are some questions you can think about asking for your analysis: How does Angela Davis use quotations from other books and articles? How does she use information from other experts? How does she use first-hand accounts of her own experiences, or the personal experiences of others?

How does she use statistics?

How does she use historical information? How does she use the arguments of those who might disagree with her? With each of these approaches, be sure to also answer the question: Does she use this approach or technique effectively? Why or why not? Be specific and give examples that will help you support your argument. While your essay should focus primarily on Are Prisons Obsolete? Looking for a Similar Assignment? Our Experts can help. Cheap Essay Writing.]

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