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Animal Interdependence Essay

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Business Ethics Business Law Business ethics are a very important part of the entire business process. It is important to have a firm understanding of the ethical rules of the game in order to perform the best. The purpose of this essay is to discuss and highlight some of the more important effects that ethics plays in business and business law. The essay will discuss the corporation's role within society and what is to be expected from ethical and honest business practices in today's extremely competitive environment. The Importance of Business Ethics Polder wrote of the very high level of importance that companies and corporations must carry when considering their ethical approach to business and business laws and regulations. She wrote " business ethics concerns itself with the choices exercised by the people in organizations in terms of decisions and actions. Animal Interdependence Essay

Scott Medler; Mixing it up: the biological significance of hybrid skeletal muscle fibers.

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J Exp Biol 1 December ; 23 : jeb Skeletal muscle fibers are classified according to the myosin heavy chain MHC isoforms and other myofibrillar proteins expressed within these cells. Although hybrid fibers have been recognized by muscle biologists for more than three decades, uncertainty persists about their prevalence in normal muscles, their role in fiber-type transitions, and what they might tell us about fiber-type regulation at the cellular and Animal Interdependence Essay levels. This Review summarizes current knowledge on Esay relative abundance of hybrid fibers in a variety of muscles from different species.

Animal Interdependence Essay

Animal Interdependence Essay Hybrid fibers appear to have two main roles: 1 they function as intermediates during the fiber-type transitions associated with skeletal muscle development, adaptation to exercise and aging; and 2 they provide a functional continuum of fiber phenotypes, as they possess physiological Prince Caspian Essays opinion that are intermediate to those of pure fiber types. One aspect of hybrid fibers that is not widely recognized is that fiber-type asymmetries — such as dramatic differences in the MHC composition along the length of single fibers — appear to be a common aspect of many fibers.

The final section of this Review examines the possible role of differential activities of nuclei in different myonuclear domains in establishing fiber-type asymmetries. The principle defining feature of different muscle fiber types is the myosin heavy chain MHC isoform present Pette, ; Reggiani et al. In mammals, 11 different sarcomeric MHC genes have been identified, and four of these are commonly expressed in adult limb musculature Schiaffino and Reggiani, These different MHC isoforms provide the range of contractile properties required for the diverse movements employed by animals.

A number of excellent reviews provide detailed accounts of skeletal muscle fiber types, their molecular organization, and the cellular and molecular regulation of muscle phenotype Blaauw et al. First-hand accounts of the history of muscle fiber-type identification, including the Animal Interdependence Essay of hybrid fibers, are provided by Pette Pette, Animal Interdependence Essay Pette et al. Almost years ago, Ranvier reported that skeletal muscles exhibit differences in color that are correlated with their speed of contraction Ranvier,; Close, By the s and s, skeletal muscle biologists had developed histochemical techniques that helped to define these fiber types more precisely.


In particular, myofibrillar ATPase histochemistry allowed fiber types to be defined based on their rate of ATP hydrolysis. Studies by Barany demonstrated a direct, functional linkage between ATP hydrolysis rate and muscle shortening velocity among diverse muscles.

Animal Interdependence Essay

When combined with sophisticated mechanical measurements from single muscle fibers, this allowed MHC isoform composition to be directly compared with physiological parameters like shortening velocity and force production Reiser et al. The Animal Interdependence Essay panel of the figure shows a cross-section of human muscle, with numbers corresponding to those for MHC content shown below.

Double protein bands from single fibers demark hybrid fibers.

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Reprinted with permission from Staron and Hikida Subsequently, full-length sequences encoding MHC isoforms were obtained, and their chromosomal locations for humans and mice were revealed Weiss et al. Another powerful tool for the study of skeletal muscle fiber types has been the development of monoclonal antibodies specific for MHC isoforms Schiaffino, The lower panel of the figure shows an image Animal Interdependence Essay Essayy soleus, with arrows indicating hybrid fibers image from Medler lab.

Animal Interdependence Essay

Immunohistochemistry of muscle sections combined with western blotting provides a high degree of precision in identifying skeletal muscle fiber types generally, but is especially significant for the identification of hybrid Animal Interdependence Essay. The recognition of hybrid fibers as common components of skeletal muscles presents a number of important questions. How common are hybrid fibers? What function do hybrid fibers serve in normal muscles? What role do hybrid fibers play during fiber-type transitions? There is no precise functional principle for predicting the abundance of hybrid fibers in a particular muscle, but one hypothesis is that these intermediate fiber types fulfill the requirement of a range of contractile output from muscles. Hybrid fibers also appear to a role in mediating the fiber-type transitions that occur during Animal Interdependence Essay such as development and aging.

Almost 20 years ago, G.]

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