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12 Angry Men Analysis 12 Angry Men Analysis

Essays Related To A Walk to Remember is my Favorite Movie

But you can one from professional essay writers. This movie is one of my favorites for many reasons such as the fact that, the main character Jamie is not afraid to show people that her faith is the most important thing in her life. This movie also shows that it is possible for people who you would never think but they can change their ways. The main reason I 12 Angry Men Analysis enjoy this movie is because it is a love story, and who does not enjoy a good romance movie that will make you have all the feels.

The Criminal Justice System In 12 Angry Men By Reginald Rose

Jamie was true to her beliefs and did not care if they were not cool. She was harassed constantly by her fellow classmates about her beliefs but she still persevered. Jaime was very involved in afterschool activities such as: school plays and even tutored students. This movie also shows the fact that it is possible for someone to change their ways. Anaoysis was involved in a prank that turned bad and another student was put in the hospital because of the 12 Angry Men Analysis he acquired. As a consequence the principle says he will either get expelled or he could tutor students, and perform in the play.

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Analyysis Obviously he chooses the play and tutoring. This is where he becomes closely acquainted with Jamie, he then asks her to help him with his lines for the play. Landon click starts to unexpectedly fall for Jamie, even though that is the last person he thought he would fall in love with.

12 Angry Men Analysis

They start to go on a couple dates. Then Landon begins to change for the better thanks to Jamie, he stops caring about what his friends think, and he does not care about popularity anymore. Like most love stories this is a sad one, Jamie had leukemia and her body was not responding to the treatment.

12 Angry Men Analysis

She begins getting worse and worse and is finally sent to the hospital. Knowing that their time together was fleeing by fast Landon tries to do everything to help Jamie. He builds her a telescope so she can see an one time comet, her father helps him so they will Angr in time.

Criminal Justice System In 12 Angry Men

During the comet Landon ask Jamie to marry him and she says yes, they then get married in the same church as her mother was. They spent their very last summer together that year.

12 Angry Men Analysis

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