Womens Rights After The American Revolution - pinsoftek.com Custom Academic Help

Womens Rights After The American Revolution.

Answer from: thompsonhomes1 Anti-suffragists argued that most women did not want the vote.

Womens Rights After The American Revolution

Because they took care of the home and children, they said women did not have time to vote or stay updated on politics. Some argued women lacked the expertise or mental capacity to offer a useful opinion about political issues.

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Hope this helps, have a great day : Answer here cherbears 1. The correct answer is C. Andrew Jackson won the majority of electoral votes, but he did not win the most popular votes; therefore he did not become president.

This is the first and so far, the last time in American history that the person who won the majority of electoral votes didn't become president. Jackson would become president in The correct answer is A. It was possible that an Womens Rights After The American Revolution person could receive a government job. The spoils system was deeply ingrained in the ideology of Jackson's supporters.

Womens Rights After The American Revolution

It happens when the newly elected government gives sinecures and government jobs to Amerixan most ardent followers, thus rewarding them for their loyalty. Of course, the natural consequence is that the most loyal people get the best jobs, regardless of their competence or qualifications. The correct answer is B. But in practice, this meant all white men.

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At this point in history, it was far too early to talk about black men or women getting suffrage. Before Jackson, only white men who had property could vote.

Womens Rights After The American Revolution

He wanted to put a stop to it, advocating the rights of "the common man", against the relics of old aristocratic traditions. Answer from: kmcpig because they believed that women needed to be protected from political life and because they believed women were too emotional to vote, I do so believe. Answer from: dbhuggybearow6jng The answer are because they believed women were too emotional to vote and because they believed that women needed to be protected from political life so A and D, this is where it is from "Women also could not vote in political elections. Many people opposed women's suffrage because they thought that women were too emotional to vote and that women needed to be protected from political life.]

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