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Typhoid Fever: A Very Serious Disease Video

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Typhoid Fever: A Very Serious Disease - consider, that

Robert Finberg is a physician who specializes in infectious diseases and immunology at the Medical School at the University of Massachusetts. What does your body do when you get a vaccine? Your immune system responds to the foreign molecules that make up any vaccine via two different systems. Its goal is to eliminate the invader. White blood cells called neutrophils and macrophages travel to the intruder and work to destroy it. This first line of defense is relatively short-lived, lasting hours or days.

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Typhoid Fever: A Very Serious Disease Typhoid Fever: A Very Serious Disease

Yellow fever vaccine Stamaril is highly effective and is the best way to protect those at risk of disease during travel. For most people, the balance between the benefits and possible side effects of the vaccine remains overwhelmingly favourable. However, because the vaccine contains a live, weakened strain of the yellow fever virus, strict adherence to contraindications and precautions is essential to reduce the risk of serious side effects in those who may have a weaker immune system.

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Revaccination is generally not recommended as the duration of protection following administration of 1 dose of yellow fever vaccine is expected to be lifelong. These are very rare but can be fatal. These risks are more likely to occur in certain groups, particularly people with a weakened immune system, people without a thymus, and people aged 60 years or older.

Typhoid Fever: A Very Serious Disease

The risk appears to be higher in people older than 60 years and younger than 9 months of age including infants exposed to vaccine through breastfeedingalthough cases have been also reported in other age groups. Congenital or acquired immunodeficiency has also been recognised as a potential risk factor.

YEL-AND may manifest as high fever with headache that may progress to include 1 or more of confusion, lethargy, encephalitis, encephalopathy, and meningitis.

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In most cases reported, the onset of signs Veery symptoms was within 10 days of vaccination. Initial signs and symptoms of AVD are non-specific and may include pyrexia, myalgia, fatigue, headache and hypotension, potentially progressing quickly to liver dysfunction with jaundice, muscle cytolysis, thrombocytopenia, and acute respiratory and renal failure. While the review was ongoing, click to healthcare professionals was issued that extreme caution was needed in people who were immunosuppressed and in people aged 60 years and older see Drug Safety Update April A full report of the review and evidence base for the recommendations is available.

Typhoid Fever: A Very Serious Disease

This review concluded in Octoberand CHM has now issued a set of updated recommendations to minimise risks to vaccinees. The recommendations are in addition to the full list of contraindications and precautions described in the current Summary of Product Characteristics and Patient Information Leafletwhich will be updated. Standardised pre-vaccination screening checklists are also being produced, along with a patient group direction template.

Typhoid Fever: A Very Serious Disease

A further communication will be issued once Swrious documents are ready to ensure they can be implemented in clinical practice. The key recommendations of the review can be found in the letter sent to vaccination clinics on 21 November Background More than million doses of yellow fever vaccine have been used worldwide since the s.]

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