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The Raven Trickster

The Raven Trickster Video

Coyote and Raven, American Tricksters: Crash Course World Mythology #22 The Raven Trickster

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October 28,am Love the horseshoe flying up. October 28,pm Very True. Wolf October 28,pm Me too!

The Raven Trickster

I am SO very glad I had already swallowed my coffee and put the cup down! THAT was a golden moment. Obvious August 1,pm Eight foot tall sexy bitch please.

The Raven Trickster

Fatuncle October 28,pm Reply Spent the whole morning The Raven Trickster about this strip and bursting out laughing at inappropriate moments. Fatuncle October 28,pm You Trickstwr, if Nudge is coherent after the punch she took yesterday, I am impressed. Fatuncle October 28,pm Sorry, forgot to turn off italics. Just keep ticking off aRven awesomely powerful entity that screwed. When the object of your tricks figures it out, you risk getting a pounding. Lizzibabe October 28,pm The Raven Trickster liken it to gambling. October 13,pm Did you actually know that on a totem pole the lowest one was the most important or powerful so technically Phix is calling herself the boss. What an awesome character design. Interesting character and character design! No satyr legs, no tail… The horns were awesome by themselves, but fauns and satyrs are my favorite mythical creatures so the extra features shot her character design rating WAY up there for me.

Her current pose makes her look a horned dog no pun intended. Would she fetch chew toys? ShadOBabe October 28,pm Huh, she might!!

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Sounds like nice comic relief fodder. But I see your point, and I just thought of something. If Phix says that there must always be a least one Sphinx in the library at any given time, then that means Phix shares the duty with another Sphinx because Phix has frequently LEFT the library to, for example, go spend time with sweet old museum directors. The Raven Trickster 28,pm Yep. I got 4 goats possibly 8 in a few days in my field, and some city people get pretty silly when it comes to animal anatomy.

The Raven Trickster

October 28,am Reply Whoops, lost a shoe there Nudge! Dusty October 28,am Reply Nudge and Brandy must go to same shoe store. Txmystic probably has more lore like that than I have very little. I pretty much looked like my gravatar from sixth grade onwards, The Raven Trickster my celebrating my good grades was done out of earshot of the beefy-but-clueless. TlalocW October 28,am Reply I thought horseshoes brought good luck… not being Phix-punched twice… Seems like there may be Rven change of guard at the library now that Nudge has been found again, giving Phix more freedom.

She is still lucky to be alive. Jim October 28,am Reply Lowest on the totem polehmmm? Nudge seems to be one of the best. Even tricksters can be helpful if it gets them where they want to be. Fairportfan October 28,pm …and where tricksters want to be is in a position to irritate somebody… UTSpawn October 28,am Th Freindly for a trickster. Anwyay, the rogue demons said they had a secret agent. I guess this eliminates Nudge.]

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