The Narrator In Faulkners A Rose For Emily - Custom Academic Help

The Narrator In Faulkners A Rose For Emily Video

Reading of \ The Narrator In Faulkners A Rose For Emily

Primarily, it appears as if the entire plot revolves around the theme of sexuality. Homer, one of the key characters in the novel is depicted as a being gay.

The Narrator In Faulkners A Rose For Emily

At some point, the narrator mentions that Homer liked men. Furthermore, his name Homer sounds like a homosexual.

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On the face of it, the presentation of Homer as see more indicates that the cultural background of this novel tolerated unconventional or queer sexual behaviors. However, it turns out that The Narrator In Faulkners A Rose For Emily behaviorwas a manifestation of a new wave of thoughts about the traditional gender roles and sexual orientation. The presentation of gender roles in the book implies that the younger generation of men lacks the confidence to face women Emiky significant issues affecting the welfare of the community. Such is the reason why everybody waits patiently to have a face-to-face conversation with Emily when they realize that she has to pay taxes. In the conventional way of doing things, the men could have castigated Emily as a way of subjecting her to embarrassment.

On the contrary, she is maileda formal letter requesting her to call whenever she thinks is more appropriate for her to do so. A further indication of men being rendered weak and unable to think correctly in the presence Faulkkners women is during a meeting between the deputation and Emily. More than two times, the men are held back in their efforts to convince Emily to pay taxes.

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None of the men wanted to interfere with the body, but the women forced them to reconsider their position. This depiction shows that the men were very indecisive and that they could not be relied upon to give solutions on essential matters about their gender roles. Undeniably, the male authority in A Rose for Emily remains unable to exercise control over important issues happening in the society.

The Narrator In Faulkners A Rose For Emily

It appears like women are mainly in control. The fact that the male voice is rendered impotent in A Rose for Emily is further exhibited by the limited actions and behaviors of Judge Stevens. Instead, he says that he will seek an audience with Tobe regarding the issue.

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Such shows that the judge would rather talk with someone more subservient to him than speaking with Emily. Overall, the male authority is A Rose for Emily has been subjugated to a more subordinate position compared to the female authority. Did you like this example?]

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