The Most Dangerous Game And The Cask Of Amontillado Analysis Video
The Most Dangerous Game And The Cask Of Amontillado AnalysisJackson creates suspense through the literary technique of irony a contrast between what is expected and what happens.
The Cask of Amontillado and Hills Like White Elephants
Jackson first creates suspense through verbal irony, when Ms. Stangeworth, it was not normal for Helen to be acting like that, and it was one of the first incidents where Strangeworth began noticing people acting strangely. Another type of irony that Jackson utilized was dramatic irony when the reader finds out that everyone in the town had been acting strange due to mean letters that Miss. Strangeworth had been sending out anonymously for what we can presume has been quite a while. A group of teenagers picked up the letter and decided to bring it to the Aontillado it was addressed to.

This keeps the readers on the very edge of Amonitllado seats as the story becomes unpredictable, with no rhyme or reason as to where the story is going to go next. Edgar creates suspense using the literary element of foreshadowing. In this story, the protagonist, Montresor, has been wronged immensely by a silly alcoholic, Fortunato. He comes up with an elaborate, sneaky plan to kill Fortunato by luring him into a trap using the expensive rare wine, Amontillado.
Our first case of foreshadowing in the story occurs while Montresor is Amonitllado his intent to kill Fortunato, and why he deserved it. This creates suspense by really getting Montresors point across, the point that he is going to kill Fortunato, he is going to do it tonight, and that nobody is ever going to find out.

A final case of foreshadowing occurs when Montresor quite literally pulls out a trowel and stores it beneath his coat. These are only a glimpse of the suspense in the universes he builds. Those three stories all build suspense using conflict, irony, and foreshadowing.
All of these tales would be bland and unexciting without the suspense that enhances the plot, and neither would any other fiction piece.
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