The Importance Of Co-Curricular Activities - Custom Academic Help

The Importance Of Co-Curricular Activities

The Importance Of Co-Curricular Activities - amusing

Importance of Co-curricular activities — Essay 1. Introduction Co-curricular activities are the activities we engage in a school set up for example, aside from the educational ones. They mostly include sporting activities and games. Co-curricular activities are basically sporting activities and games integrated into the curriculum of institutions mostly. Importance of co-curricular activities Co-curricular activities serve to rejuvenate us, putting us in a good position to focus on the routines we normally take part in. They also serve as exercise to the mind and train it on strategy and calculation. They also help us forge new relationships because of the partners we encounter I the co-curricular activities. They help develop our talents and abilities so that we can pursue them with better understanding and skill and even use them to make ourselves noticeable. The Importance Of Co-Curricular Activities.

It shows the hours of school work, kind of work or subjects, Acitvities teachers at work and at rest, the rooms being used in a certain period, recreational time, time of roll call, time of morning assembly, time of drill, games and other co curricular activities and time of interval.

The Importance Of Co-Curricular Activities

The school is the spark plug of the school which sets into motion its various activities and programmes. Time table is a mirror that reflects the entire educational programme followed in the school.

The Importance Of Co-Curricular Activities

It serves the following purposes: 1 Eliminates Wastage of Time and Energy: Undoubtedly all planned programmes eliminated wastage of time and energy and it equally true in the case of a school time-table. The work is and by is large, equitably distributed among the members of the staff.

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It directs the teachers and students energy and attention to one thing at a time by placing proper persons at their Imortance place at the proper time and in die proper manner. Periods are allotted to different subjects according to their importance and their nature. In the absence of any time-table there is found to be chaos and confusion in the school. Form of a Time-table: The form of a time-table depends upon the nature of activities carried in a school the more the number and variety of activities, the more type of time-tables.

The Importance Of Co-Curricular Activities

In an ordinary school four forms of time-table i. Time-table for co curricular activities is coming into vague in view of their importance in the field of education.

Importance of Co-curricular activities – Essay 1.

Similarly in school where games are properly organised, the need for games, be stressed. The time-table for home-work is also maintained by sonic schools. Ideally speaking there should be seven types of time-table: 1 Master time indicating the entire programme of the school 2 Class time-table.]

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