The Holocaust In Christopher Brownings Ordinary Men - Custom Academic Help

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Hitler's Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust is a book by American writer Daniel Goldhagen , in which he argues that the vast majority of ordinary Germans were "willing executioners" in the Holocaust because of a unique and virulent " eliminationist antisemitism " in German political culture which had developed in the preceding centuries. Goldhagen argues that eliminationist antisemitism was the cornerstone of German national identity, was unique to Germany, and because of it ordinary German conscripts killed Jews willingly. Goldhagen asserts that this mentality grew out of medieval attitudes rooted in religion and was later secularized. The book challenges several common ideas about the Holocaust that Goldhagen believes to be myths. These "myths" include the idea that most Germans did not know about the Holocaust; that only the SS, and not average members of the Wehrmacht, participated in murdering Jews ; and that genocidal antisemitism was a uniquely Nazi ideology without historical antecedents. The book, which began as a Harvard doctoral dissertation, was written largely as an answer to Christopher Browning 's book Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion and the Final Solution in Poland. Much of Goldhagen's book is concerned with the actions of the same Reserve Battalion of the Nazi German Ordnungspolizei and his narrative challenges numerous aspects of Browning's book. Almond Award for the best dissertation in the field of comparative politics. Goldhagen's book stoked controversy and debate in Germany and the United States. Some historians have characterized its reception as an extension of the Historikerstreit , the German historiographical debate of the s that sought to explain Nazi history. The Holocaust In Christopher Brownings Ordinary Men

The Holocaust In Christopher Brownings Ordinary Men Video

Hitler and the Decisions for the Final Solution: Christopher Browning

When thinking about the the people who actually did the killing during the Holocaust, there is The Holocaust In Christopher Brownings Ordinary Men tendency to regard them as monsters, sadists, psychotics, or natural-born killers. Yet in the three books that you are reading for this section of the course, there appear to be a variety of murderers who may not conform to the common stereotype of killers. In Ordinary Men, Christopher Browning argues that most of the perpetrators who did the actual killing during the Holocaust were not monsters or inherently evil; nor were they particularly anti-semitic. In other words, murderous personalities and anti-semitism among these men were not necessary in order to commit genocide. People Wrong Good Suffer Ethically cites the Obedience and Stanford Prison experiments to support his position.

To what extent were the perpetrators in Jedwabne and the German women on the Eastern front similar to and different from the perpetrators in Ordinary Men? To what extent were they anti-semitic? To what extent were they just following orders? To what extent was there peer pressure? To what extent did they have choices? Did they act voluntarily or were they forced to kill? What other factors may have motivated the people in Jedwabne, the women on the Eastern front, and the men in Police Battalion to kill? Use three specific individuals from each book to support your more general argument. Finally, to what extent are the Obedience and Stanford Prison experiments useful in explaining what happened the people in Jedwabne, and the German women on the Eastern front, as well as in Police Battalion ?

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It can here pages in length, typed and double-spaced please. It may also be shorter or longer as you feel necessary. Btownings essay is complex, so give yourself enough time to read the books and think about your answers. Your paper will be graded on quality of argument, and use of evidence, not length.

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