Are societal rules helping us or hurting us? Let's first see how they help us Our community : The rules help us by telling us what is right and what is wrong.

By telling us whats right and whats wrong. We think about what we are about to do and if the outcome will be positive or negative. In our community rules also help us by It can bring us all to peace.

It can also keep each and every one of us safe. Letting us know the expectation of how we have to live.
The Lord Of The Flies
NOw let's see how hurt us Our community : The rules hurt us by starting wars and making protests start. By making wars and protest happen.

Some people take rules the wrong way so they might think The Giver Dystopia Analysis it in a bad way making them start Dystopia. IN our community rules also hut us by People not wanting to listen to them People not caring about the good or bad outcome Jonas' Community Jonas Community: The rules help them by making them always tell the truth. By not letting them lie They learn to tell the truth at all times and not not to lie to others and they know if they lie they can get punished. Rules can also help them by NOt asking too many or any questions NOt point out differences read more people and things Jonas' Community How can rules hurt Jonas Community: The rules hurt them because they can't always say what they think and The Giver Dystopia Analysis on Analysiz mind.
By not being able to say whats on there mind When they see something that does not look the same they can't point it out to Dyatopia and they can't mention anything about it.
Symbol Of Fire In Havisham
Rules can also hurt them NOt asking too many or any questions Are not allowed to ask questions so they aren't able to learn things IN summary Rules can both hurt and help us. They can help us by guiding and showing us the right ways and expectations that people should do and live up to. It can also hurt Givre because people might take and understand the rules in the wrong way and might think they are a joke The Giver Dystopia Analysis don't care about the source that come with the bad decisions. BY: Rejoice B. Thank you for watching CC creative commons attribution Loading]
I like this phrase :)