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Etymology[ edit ] The word flamenco, referring to the artistic genre that is known under that name, it dates back to the mid-nineteenth century. Gitanos or egiptanos is the name given in Spain both in the past and in the present to what we call in English gypsiesalthough they are also known as "new Castilians", "Germans" and "flamingos" [ This theory holds that "flamenco" derives from flamanciaa word that comes from "flama" and which in German refers to the fiery temperament of the gypsies.

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In the same sense, the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy says that "flamenco" colloquially means "cool or insolent", an example of which is the phrase "to become flamenco". One of them says that flamenco receives that name because the appearance and body language of its interpreters reminds them of Dabce birds. Marius Schneideron the other hand, defends that the origin of the term may be in the name of these birds, but not in their resemblance to the style of the bailaores but in that the mode of mywhich is the predominant one in the Flemish repertoire, is related in medieval symbology, among other animals, with the flamenco. According to Felipe Pedrell flamenco came to Spain from those lands at Tap Dance In Tap Dance time of Carlos Vhence its name.

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However, the term "flamenco" linked Dnce music and dance emerged in the midth century, several centuries after that event. According to Tap Dance In Tap Dance, many Moorish s were integrated into the gypsy communities, with which they shared their character of ethnic minority outside the dominant culture. Infante supposes that flamenco singing must have arisen in that breeding ground, as a manifestation of the pain that these people felt for the annihilation of their culture. The flamenco style took shape during the 19th century, on the substrate of Andalusian traditional music and dance, whose origins are ancient and diverse. Flamenco has gone from being a music performed by minorities in the south of Spain, with greater or lesser diffusion, to become so important that generated the identity emblem of Spain, inside and outside the country.

This fact could be related to Franco 's dictatorial regime in Spain because at that moment the dictator imposed flamenco click here the culture of mostly Tap Dance In Tap Dance Spain as the only culture of Spain, trying to suppress the other regional cultures and create a united Spain around only few cultural elements. France also used it to promote tourism and create a more consolidated image of the country of Spain and it's "only" distinctive and unique culture although there were more cultures in Spain.

Flamenco is considered a tourist attraction of the first order for Andalusia, both as a show and as an art for study, even as doctorate, university expert or subject of university diploma. Awards are also given for flamenco research.

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History[ edit ] It is believed that the flamenco genre emerged at the end of the 18th century in cities and agrarian towns of Baja Andalusia, highlighting Jerez de la Frontera as the first written vestige of Tap Dance In Tap Dance art, although there is practically no data related to those dates and the manifestations of this time they are more typical of the bolero school than of flamenco. There are hypotheses that point to the influence on flamenco of types of dance from the Indian subcontinent - the place of origin of the Romani people - such as the kathak dance. The casticismo[ edit ] In Carlos III promulgated a pragmatics that regulated the social situation of the Gitanos. This was a momentous event in the history of Spanish Romani who, after centuries of marginalization and persecution, saw their legal situation improve substantially.

After the Spanish War of Independencea feeling of racial pride developed in the Spanish conscience, which contrasts with the French enlightenment the telluric force of the majo, archetype of individualism, grace and chasticism.

Tap Dance In Tap Dance

The emergence of the bullfighting schools of Ronda and Sevillethe rise of the Bandidos and Vaqueros and the fascination for Andalusia manifested by European romantic travelers, gradually shaped Andalusian manners, which triumphed in the Madrid court. At this time there is evidence of disagreements due Dwnce the introduction of innovations in art.

Tap Dance In Tap Dance

In them Gitanos and non-Gitanos learned the cantes, while reinterpreted the Andalusian folk songs in their own style, expanding the repertoire. Likewise, the taste of the public contributed to configure the flamenco genre, unifying its technique and its theme.]

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