Socrates Law Vs. Morality - Custom Academic Help

Socrates Law Vs. Morality Socrates Law Vs. Morality

Assuming that Hawthorne wrote The Scarlet Letter exploring the relationship between Moral law and Natural law, he chooses the moral laws to be absolute. The older the individual the more fixed and Moraity is his character, and the less likely he is to act outside of the principles of his society or his Katz 5.

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The natural law is being In a condition where society cannot Impose any rules or laws. In the forest Moralitg laws should be supreme. Here, the black man or devil makes his home, Mistress Hipbones goes to perform her witchcraft, and Hester and Timescale commit their adultery Hawthorne Moral law forbids each of these three things. Only in the forest, a place Socrates Law Vs. Morality moral law does not apply, can any of these things happen. From a very early age people are taught by the moral laws that the forest contains evil. She said that a thousand and a thousand people had met him here, and had written in his book, and have his mark n them.

Socrates Law Vs. Morality

And that ugly-tempered lady, Old Mistress Hipbones, was one. O Pearl, at the age of seven, already understands the forest contains evil. This normalizing aspect of moral law teaches the society that the representation of natural law, the forest, Is evil. Thus, the moral laws quickly gain an advantage over the natural, before an Individual Is old enough to form their own pollen on the matter.

Socrates Law Vs. Morality

Another way the moral law proves to be supreme is when examining another theme In the text, hypocrisy. Even after his confession his society does not believe the truth that Timescale committed adultery.

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This Las how strong the character of Timescale is imagined to be by his people. Causes the truth is often obscured by hypocrisy, where the truth is found there will be a very strong reflection on the relationship between moral law, and natural law. In the forest, when Pearl asks Hester what the scarlet letter means and why she wears it, Hester lies to her child for the first time.]

Socrates Law Vs. Morality

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