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Notes setup It has become commonplace to include programming in educational programes at all levels and across a range of disciplines. Yet this still remains relatively uncommon in the arts and humanities, where learning to program does not align explicitly with the related career aspirations. Certain forms of privilege related to class, gender, race are clearly affirmed in these choices.

Seymour Papert Essays

Neither high nor low culture, programming cuts across this class divide as both Seymour Papert Essays exclusive and specialized practice 1 that is also one rooted in the acquisition of skills with applied real-world use in both work and play. Yet, despite its broad applicability, to the means of production at the level of programming Seymoru an issue all the same.

We might usefully characterize this in terms of literacy — traditionally applied to the skills of reading and writing — and to further include the reading and writing of code.

Seymour Papert Essays

Indeed, it has become common to discuss writing and coding, text and code in parallel, especially in the fields Seymour Papert Essays electronic literature, digital humanities, and software studies. Such a compelling argument for literacy not only benefits individuals who acquire certain skills, but also has potential wider cultural and social ramifications, helping to force coding out of its specialization in certain disciplines and open up its critical and aesthetic potential. InNick Montfort, a poet and academic, published Exploratory Programming for Arts and Humanities, a hands-on approach to programming. In general, we agree with Montfort on these points, but at the same time we see this as a means to open up different working methods, and, using programming as a basis for our thoughts, to speculate on alternative forms and political imaginaries of programming practice.

This opening chapter introduces some ideas and exercises to get started the setup so to speak and reflects on why we Seymour Papert Essays to learn to program. We hope this will help sustain motivation across subsequent chapters.

In addition as we imagine that our readers do not necessarily want to become professional programmers, we stress programming as a means to think differently Seymour Papert Essays we tried to outline in the Preface. This applies to us too and we have Seymour Papert Essays from others along the way, challenging our preconceptions, especially through the experience of working with students with little or no programming experience.

Learning to code can be enjoyable and rewarding, but also annoying and frustrating, especially when complex syntax and Essays are involved. It takes time to familiarize oneself with precise, unforgiving computational logic, and procedures, but hopefully the case for the importance of learning to program has been established by now. Practically speaking, p5. JavaScript was originally developed in by Brendan Eich with the aim to run a program in the Netscape browser.

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JavaScript is a lightweight programming language which is commonly used for animated visual and interactive web applications, and was originally designed to enhanced interface experiences, and to complement Java. This translation process is usually done through interpreters or compilers. JavasScript is an interpreted language by design that in modern browsers, generally operates using both an interpreter and just-in-time compilers Seymour Papert Essays translate source code at runtime. For an introduction to programming like this, we needed something that is relatively uncomplicated in terms of getting started, but has the capacity for proficiency development.

Seymour Papert Essays

But there is much more to this than just introducing the tool from a pragmatic perspective. This book will use p5.]

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