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History[ edit ] The term "hate crime" came into common usage in the United States during the s, but it is often used retrospectively in order to describe events which occurred prior to that era. Lynch, other militia officers, and justices of the peace rounded up Tory sympathizers who were given a summary trial at an informal court; sentences which were handed down included whipping, property seizure, coerced pledges of allegiance, and conscription into the military.

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Originally, the term referred to the extrajudicial organized but unauthorized punishment of criminals. It later evolved to describe executions which were committed outside "ordinary justice. A U. Effect on the targeted group generalized terror in the group to which the victim belongs, inspiring feelings of vulnerability among its other members, who could be the next hate crime victims. Effect on other vulnerable groups ominous effects on minority groups or on groups that identify themselves with the targeted group, especially when the referred hate is based on an ideology or a doctrine that preaches simultaneously against several groups.

Effect on the community as a whole divisions and factionalism arising in response Sex Offender Persuasive Speech hate crimes are particularly damaging to multicultural societies.

Sex Offender Persuasive Speech

Hate crime victims can also develop depression and psychological trauma. Terrorist's most persuasive message is that of fear and fear, a primary and strong emotion, increases risk estimates and has distortive effects on the perception of ordinary Muslims.

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Widespread Islamophobic prejudice seems to contribute to anti-Muslim hate crimes, but indirectly: terrorist attacks and intensified Islamophobic prejudice serve as a window of opportunity for extremist groups and networks. There is often no greater purpose behind the crimes, with victims being vulnerable because they have an ethnic, religious, sexual or gender background that differs from their attackers.

Sex Offender Persuasive Speech

Defensive - perpetrators engage in hate crimes out of a belief they are protecting their communities. These are often triggered by a certain background event.

Sex Offender Persuasive Speech

Perpetrators believe society supports their actions but is too afraid to act and thus they believe they have communal assent in their actions.]

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