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Rheumatoid Arthritis Case Study Paper

Rheumatoid Arthritis Case Study Paper - All above

DAS 28 — disease activity score. HA — hyaluronic acid. ESR — erythrocyte sedimentation rate. CRP — C-reactive protein. Discussion To the best of our knowledge, this is a first study comparing the serum HA in three major systemic rheumatic diseases. The literature review shows that in rheumatic patients, HA was most often determined in the serum of patients with RA and there it had the highest concentration 6 , 7 , 12 , 21 , The results of our study were comparable with those reported in literature 7 , 12 , Rheumatoid Arthritis Case Study Paper.

Rheumatoid arthritis can be a painful and disabling condition that can result in significant loss of mobility and function if not treated adequately. The condition involves the inflammatory reaction of the capsules around the synovium due to the swelling of the synovial cells or turgenscence, development of fibrous tissue in the synovium and excess synovial fluid. The pathology of AR frequently results in fusion here the joints and destruction of articular cartilage. Despite the cause of the illness not well-know, autoimmunity seems to play a crucial role in its progression and chronicity.

RA is a clinical Rheukatoid made based on the symptoms, radiographs, physical exams and labs. In this regard, this paper discusses the RA by paying attention to the following: incidence, etiology, risk factors, clinical manifestations, and medical treatments. Incidence Rheumatoid Arthritis affects about 0.

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About 50 individuals in every people develop the disease annually. The onset of AR is not common for individuals aged below 15 years. However, the incidence of AR increases with the age f an individual until the age of 80 years.

Rheumatoid Arthritis Case Study Paper

Women are the most affected as compared to men. They are affected about three to five times as frequently as men are.

Rheumatoid Arthritis Case Study Paper

Some Rheumaoid of Native Americans seem to have higher rates of prevalence of about 5 to 6 per cent. On the other hand, people from the Caribbean have lower prevalence rates. In women, the disorder usually starts at the age between 40 and 50 years. In men, the disorder starts later than in women. Etiology Rheumatoid Arthritis is one of autoimmunity. Its causes are still not known.

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There is no evidence indicating that emotional and physical effects could cause the disorder. The various negative findings argue that either the causes varies among individuals, or that it might be a an event inherent in the immune response. About half of the Rheumatoid Rheumatoid Arthritis Case Study Paper is believed to be genetic. The disorder is significantly linked to the inherited tissue type major histocompatibility complex MHC antigen. As a result, the history of the family is a significant factor. The inheritance of the PTPN22 gene has been said to increase the vulnerability of the disease.]

Rheumatoid Arthritis Case Study Paper

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