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Rhetorical Analysis Of Rose Petal Eau De Parfum Video

♡ilyTOMMY♡ - rose petals ❀ Rhetorical Analysis Of Rose Petal Eau De Parfum

People are always saying that to me. Different languages.

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But always that same phrase, like a ghost that follows me wherever I go. In the Zhuban territories far to the north, a warrior poet everybody in Zhuban claims to be a warrior poet took it much more seriously. His brow furrowed with deep lines as he frowned at me. But he was really telling me to be wise, to be vigilant and, most of all, to be quiet. Quiet is the part they all agree on.

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They could probably incinerate all of us with one big spell, but from what I saw, the mages were mostly teenagers. Shh… be a good girl now. Great plan, lady. I feel like telling her that no Mahdek would ever tell an eleven-year-old to be quiet. Maybe our problem is that we just never learned to shut up.

I hear the battle cry of learn more here of our warriors outside. They say we use it to awaken infernal beings to slaughter our enemies. How I wish that were true. I know our warrior has died when I hear the thunder crack of an ember spell lighting up the air outside the cave. I can picture the shower of gold and blue sparks, followed by the scene of early morning after a storm. I know I should hate it, but the colours, the lights, the way they move.

Too late now. I wonder if the warrior who just died was the last of my clan.

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And was my clan the last of all that remained of the once-great Mahdek tribes? Am I alone now? The one I hate the most is younger, maybe sixteen. His shoulders are broad and unlike the others he looks strong beneath his robes.

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The others I can hate the way you hate a cold winter or a sharp stone that cuts your foot. But this one, he knows — some- where inside he knows— that this is wrong. Like me.]

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