Reflection On My Three Habits - Custom Academic Help

Reflection On My Three Habits - are

The results that I got from my test indicated a moderate automatic association between high-fat-food and shameful and acceptable and Low-fat food. I got the results because I was moderately faster to respond when shameful and high-fat-food and acceptable and low-fat food was paired together than when acceptable and high-fat-food and shameful and shameful, and low-fat-food were paired together. Receiving the results of the IAT has brought along feelings of both self-reinforcement and relief. From the results of the test, my implicit preferences have aligned with my explicit beliefs. When I received the results, I did not experience disbelief. It is normal for people to have defensiveness and disbelief pertaining to their results. I did not wonder whether the test result would be any different is I was moderately slower in responding or even faster. I am a person who values eating healthy. I advocate for living healthy lives, reason as to why I responded faster when shameful and high-fat-food and acceptable and low-fat food were paired compared to the vice versa. Reflection On My Three Habits

Reflection On My Three Habits Video

How to Change A Habit!

Project Approach : Early Childhood And Elementary Education

This is a cold wax mixed media painting on a high quality canvas frame. It is based on my recent artist residency in the New Forest in Hampshire.

Reflection On My Three Habits

I spent a number of days walking amongst the trees Mg gathering information for a series of paintings through drawing and photography; I wanted to absorb the sights and sounds of the trees in the forest find a way to recreate something of that experience in paint. I am interested in surfaces and textures and the way materials can be combined to create tactile qualities. Cold wax can be applied in thin layers or heavy impasto. It can be scored, scoured and burnished like a rich stoneware ceramic glaze; it can left dry, broken, fragmented and uneven. This painting is based on reflections seen in one of the many streams that carve a pathway through the New Forest; the water is Reflection On My Three Habits stained deep orange with iron minerals from the surrounding rocks.]

Reflection On My Three Habits

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