Read Literature Like A Professor Analysis Video
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Read Literature Like A Professor Analysis | 329 |
Reviews Rated 5 out of 5 by Ibid from Excellent!
Inspiring me to read the actual texts! I loved this professor. I found him interesting and incredibly knowledgeable, full of enthusiasm for his subject matter which was infectious. He has single-handely encouraged me to read all of the authors he touches upon which, in my mind, is a job well done. I would have loved to have had him in college. His insights also greatly assisted me with my reading I had begun beforehand, which I found challenging to absorb on my own.

I continuously use his lectures and the transcript text as a guide as I explore the inner-most caverns of the deep Russian soul found not only in the great literature Professor Weil explores, but within ourselves. Thank goodness we have professors like Dr. Weil easily available to us Litertaure help promote a path of lifelong learning.

Date published: Rated 1 out of 5 by Tomek from Boring I was so excited to purchase this course Read Literature Like A Professor Analysis so disappointed to find how lacking it was. When the professor standing at a bare lecturn in front of no one wasn't straining to read directly from the teleprompter, he was going off on tangents and speaking too colloquially for the subject material. More visuals would have helped too. Date published: Rated 5 out of 5 by babel from This class left me wanting more I have always loved Russian literature, and I had read most of the books that Professor Weil discussed, so I was ready to love this class, and I did. Number one, I love the tone that he took. It was warm and engaging. You could tell he loved the works he click discussing. Yet he was balanced in his views. If someone Tolstoy, for example was a major nut, he said so while still maintaining his stature as a great artist.
My second favorite aspect of the course was his recitations in Russian. Not only was it beautiful, it gave you a sense of the language and its rhythms. This was especially lovely when he quoted poetry. He also has a very good singing voice!
Classics of Russian Literature
The historical background was also helpful in understanding the different writers and their works. My only disappointment was that I was left wanting more, and that can't really be classified as a disappointment. Is there any way to add Lierature or so lectures? I really want to know about the Silver Age. There are several books I want to re-read.
Date published: Rated 5 out of 5 by Guille from Best proffesor ever Enjoy each lecture tremendously. Learned and learned enjoy every moment Date published: Rated 4 out of 5 by Dukey from Good but repetitive This course has content of great interest to me. Weil's presentation is good, but I have a few criticisms. He reads a lot of Russian during the lectures.
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I like this to a point, but there is far too much of it. He is at times repetitive. He is an engaging person with extensive knowledge of the subject. I think it could easily have been 24 lectures instead of All that being said, I still think it was worth it because the subject interests me so much.]
What talented idea
I congratulate, a remarkable idea