Pros And Cons Of Democracy In America - Custom Academic Help

Pros And Cons Of Democracy In America Pros And Cons Of Democracy In America.

A dominant-party systemor one-party dominant system is a political system in which opposition groups or parties are permitted, but a single party dominates election results.

The Pros And Cons Of Democracy In America

Between andmore than countries were included in the list of dominant-party systems, i. Critics of the "dominant party" theory argue that it views the meaning of democracy as given, and that it assumes that only a particular conception of representative democracy in which different parties alternate frequently in power is valid.

Pros And Cons Of Democracy In America

But it is also a very conservative approach to politics. Its fundamental political assumptions are restricted to one form of democracy, electoral politics and hostile to popular politics. This is manifest in the obsession with the quality of electoral opposition and its sidelining or ignoring of popular political activity organised in other ways.

Pros And Cons Of Democracy In America

The assumption in this approach is that other forms of organisation and opposition are of limited importance or a separate matter from the consolidation of their version of democracy. One of the dangers of dominant parties is "the tendency of dominant parties to conflate party and state and to appoint party officials to senior positions irrespective of their having the required qualities. In a one-party system other parties are banned, but in dominant-party systems other political parties are tolerated, and in democratic dominant-party systems operate without overt legal impediment, but do not have a realistic chance of winning; the dominant party genuinely wins the votes of the vast majority of voters every time or, in authoritarian systems, Pros And Cons Of Democracy In America to. In some states opposition parties are Santiago Marlin to varying degrees of official harassment and most often deal with restrictions on free speech such as press lawslawsuits against the opposition, and rules or electoral systems such as gerrymandering of electoral districts designed to put them at a disadvantage.

In some cases outright electoral fraud keeps the opposition from power. On the other hand, some dominant-party systems occur, at least temporarily, in countries that are widely seen, both by their citizens and outside observers, to be textbook examples of democracy.

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An example of a genuine democratic dominant-party system would be the pre- Emergency India, which was almost universally viewed by all as being Pros And Cons Of Democracy In America democratic state, even though the only major national party at that time was the Indian National Congress. The reasons why a dominant-party system may form in such a country are often debated: supporters of the dominant party tend to argue that their party is simply doing a good job in government and the opposition continuously proposes unrealistic or unpopular changes, while supporters of the opposition Democrzcy to argue that the electoral system disfavors them for example because it is based on the principle IIn first past the postor that the dominant party receives a disproportionate amount of funding from various sources and is therefore able to mount more persuasive campaigns. In states with ethnic issues, one party may be seen as being the party for an ethnicity or race with the party for the majority ethnic, racial or religious group dominating, e.

Sub-national entities are often dominated by one party due to the area's demographic being on one end of the spectrum.

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For example, the current elected government of the District of Columbia has been governed by Democrats since its creation in the s, Bavaria by the Christian Social Union sinceMadeira by the Social Democrats sinceand Alberta by Progressive Conservatives from to On the other hand, where the dominant party rules nationally on a genuinely democratic basis, the opposition may be strong in one or more subnational areas, possibly even constituting a dominant party locally; an example is South Africa, where although the African National Congress is dominant at the national level, the opposition Democratic Alliance is strong this web page dominant in the Province of Western Cape.

Canada 's lower house, the House of Commons of the Parliament of Canadais a multi-party system. Multiple political parties are represented, however every federal election since WWII has seen in essence only two federal parties win enough seats to form a government: the Liberal Partyand various iterations of a conservative party including the now defunct Progressive Conservative Party of Canada and the newly formed Conservative Partywhich governed from to The Liberal Party of Canada has nonetheless been dominant in federal politics of Canada since its founding. So much so, that critics and academics alike have sometimes described the Liberal Party as "Canada's natural governing party". As ofthe Liberal Party of Canada has governed for Pros And Cons Of Democracy In America of the past years.]

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