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Progressive Polarization

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Can political polarization be used for good? The average political commentator often argues that unity is the highest virtue for any polity. Polarization is constantly lamented and is perceived as a sign of a deteriorating political environment. In fairness, a polarized political climate is not exactly hospitable toward productive political discourse. Against the backdrop of a divided culture, politics tends to devolve into performance art and cheap renditions of political theater. At the same time, polarization is not the end of the world. As a matter of fact, polarization in Washington can be leveraged to enact sensible policies at lower levels of government provided that politically minded people have the foresight to discover the openings. Just look at state governments. State governments are increasingly becoming polarized on partisan lines, with thirty-eight states having trifectas. Progressive Polarization.

Progressive Polarization Video

If I were to pick an alternate title for the film, it would Progressive Polarization something like The Polarization of the United States. If anyone wants to understand what happened recently in our rPogressive, this film would be a strong starting place. The harder, but more effective thing, is engaging in self-reflection, reaching out to others to listen and learn, owning shortcomings and foibles.

Polarization in Washington Is Forcing Politicians to Decentralize

The easy thing is to fall in line with any kind of tyranny, whether it be on the right or left in order to fit in with family, friends, religious organizations, community. The harder thing is to work out a position somewhere in between, a position that takes into account different viewpoints, a position that promotes peace and compromise. I am being overly simplistic. And I think there are quite a few factors not posed in the film that have contributed to the polarization in our political climate. Progressive Polarization

~ fiction and reflections by Margaret Sefton

And the documentary is about much more than politics. What I can relate to is not always owning my deep South history and background, of not understanding others, of judging rather than listening. Hillbilly is a welcome, meditative, eye-opener.

Progressive Polarization

Silas House, an author, professor, a contributor to the film, and someone I feel privileged to have heard speak at a southern writers conference, wrote the following poem Progressive Polarization the documentary, Hillbilly: Appalachia is a wound, and a joy, and a poem. A knot of complication.

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Polarizatino But you cannot know a place without loving it, hating it, and feeling everything in between. You cannot understand the complex people by only looking at the way they have been portrayed on the television and movie screens. Progressive Polarization must go to the mountains to drive these winding roads One must sit and jaw for a while with folks on their front porches Must attend weddings and high school graduations. One must study the history of the place and come to understand it Must sit at a Progressive Polarization and look at the lines on the faces of the people and the callouses on their hands and understand the Gestational and generational complexities Of poverty and pride and culture Something inside you has to crack to let in the light so your eyes and brains and heart can adjust properly.

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