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Professionalism In Social Work 247
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Professionalism In Social Work 13 hours ago · It is an operative guide for the practice of Social Work, setting out the epistemological, theoretical and methodological foundations of social intervention; it identifies the competencies of professional training and those demanded by the labor market for its relevance. 2 days ago · Toggle navigation. Services. Essay Writing. Essay Services; Essay Writing Service Assignment Writing Service. 4 days ago · Professional Licensure and Certification Requirements: Social Work Program Certain programs offered by Universidad Ana G. Mendez Cupey Campus are designed to meet educational requirements for a professional license or certification that is required by state law for a graduate of the program to obtain employment in a specific occupation.
Professionalism In Social Work.

Professionalism In Social Work Video

By virtue of this change, the licensing laws for social workers would have allowed them to discriminate. I am unaware of any religion, however, that requires people to discriminate, harass, ignore, or disrespect people, simply because of their sexuality, gender identity, or Professionalism In Social Work expression. However, the Bible does not say that anyone should discriminate against LGBTQ individuals—or against people with disabilities.

Relevant Ethical Standards As a profession, social work values the dignity and worth of all people. Standard 1. Standard 4. Standard 6. Although some state licensing laws incorporate the NASW Code of Ethics into their state licensing laws, Texas is not one of those states. Under the revised Texas laws, social workers would be legally permitted to discriminate.

Relevant Ethical Standards

However, they are ethically obliged not to discriminate. As a result of these advocacy efforts, the prohibitions against discrimination were restored to the Code of Conduct. Still, there are many jurisdictions that do not provide legal protections against discrimination for particular groups, including Socoal individuals. Some recent court cases have also suggested that religious freedom and freedom of speech may supersede client rights and protections.

Professionalism In Social Work

On November 20,for instance, the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that Boca Raton and Palm Beach County Florida could Soocial ban conversion therapy sometimes called sexual orientation or gender identification change efforts. The 2-judge majority said the law was unconstitutional, because it infringed First Amendment rights to free speech. The dissenting judge, Beverly Martin, noted that conversion therapy is psychologically harmful to LGBTQ children, so there are valid reasons for banning it Otto and Hamilton vs.

Professionalism In Social Work

Although many states, counties, and cities have banned conversion therapy, many have not. Many courts have upheld the constitutionality of laws banning conversion therapy. Additional court challenges regarding conversion therapy bans are likely to continue.

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Ethical Duties versus Legal Freedoms So, how should social workers act when the law says that they have particular legal freedoms e. They should act ethically. They should not provide conversion therapy. They Sociall not discriminate. They should also ensure that clients from these groups have access to the services they need.

Professionalism In Social Work

The laws regarding religious freedom and freedom of expression do not require social workers to discriminate. Accordingly, social workers can act ethically and legally when serving LGBTQ individuals, people with disabilities, and any other Professiona,ism group.

The Importance of Legal Protections Given that social workers are bound by their ethical obligations, one might ask why it was so important to restore Texas laws to include protection for LGBTQ individuals and people with disabilities. One answer is clarity.

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Another is social justice. When laws and ethics give potentially conflicting guidance, there is greater opportunity for confusion and greater opportunity for people to act in unethical manners. Our laws should reflect our ethics and values. Laws that prohibit discrimination support the principles of equality and social justice.]

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