Peter Singer The Singer Solution To World Poverty Summary - Custom Academic Help

Peter Singer The Singer Solution To World Poverty Summary Video

The Solution to World Poverty: Are we just as guilty as Bob?

Peter Singer The Singer Solution To World Poverty Summary - consider

A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality study guides that feature detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, quotes, and essay topics. In the essay, Singer argues that the inhabitants of affluent countries have a moral obligation to donate a significant portion of their wealth to charities that can save lives around the world. Singer begins by describing a situation from the Brazilian film Central Station. In the film, a woman named Dora accepts payment for leading a homeless boy to a particular address, thinking he will be adopted. She uses the money to purchase a TV. Singer then describes a hypothetical situation from a book by philosopher Peter Unger. A man named Bob parks his uninsured Bugatti, a luxury vehicle in which he has invested most of his wealth, near railroad tracks. Going for a walk, he sees an empty runaway train speeding toward a small child, who will likely die. He is too far away to warn the child, but he could flip a switch to send the train toward his Bugatti instead. Peter Singer The Singer Solution To World Poverty Summary

It is hard to conceive of this document being adopted today.

Peter Singer The Singer Solution To World Poverty Summary

Like Pwter other nations, New Zealand has succumbed to a kind of world-weary acceptance that full enjoyment of universal human rights remains a distant dream. It was the first country in the world to give women the vote and it played a prominent part in the establishment of the United Nations and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Peter Singer The Singer Solution To World Poverty Summary

But just how good are things in practice? Are our governments living up to the promises they make when they ratify human rights treaties?

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Human Rights in New Zealand is a comprehensive survey of the seven major international human rights treaties which New Zealand has signed and ratified, as well as the Universal Periodic Review. Based on four years of research, Slution with the support of the New Zealand Law Foundation, this book concludes that significant faultlines are emerging in the human rights landscape.

Peter Singer The Singer Solution To World Poverty Summary

It sets out an agenda for change with recommendations for practical action. Score: 5.]

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