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Overcrowding Vs Incarceration Overcrowding Vs Incarceration

CXW Bloomberg -- The first sign of trouble came last week: A small here of investors circulated a letter lambasting Barclays Plc for helping to raise hundreds of millions of dollars to build two privately owned prisons in Alabama -- two years after the bank publicly vowed to cut financing ties with the for-profit industry.

Overcrowding Vs Incarceration

Before long, the initial marketing efforts for the municipal-bond sale showed signs of sputtering. A socially responsible business group threw the London-based bank out in protest, and students and activists in Alabama began an email campaign to derail the financing.

Overcrowding Vs Incarceration

Together, the outcry turned what was supposed to be a relatively routine deal into an embarrassing black eye for the investment banking giant. The prison business has long been targeted by activists who say the profit-motive gives an incentive to cut costs, hurting rehabilitation efforts.]

Overcrowding Vs Incarceration

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