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Oral Candidiasis Video

ORAL THRUSH - Candidiasis or yeast infection. Angular cheilitis © Oral Candidiasis

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Cracking and redness at the corners of your mouth Thick, cottony sensation in your mouth. Fortunately, oral thrush can usually be both easily cured and prevented from returning if you take these oral hygiene steps. Treating Oral Thrush The treatment of oral thrush depends partly on addressing the reason Oral Candidiasis the infection. Badly-fitting dentures should be replaced. A patient who smokes should stop, while one who uses antibiotics is encouraged to finish their treatment. Someone with diabetes may need to consult their family doctor to determine whether the condition is adequately controlled.

Female Yeast Infections and Specific Complications

In addition to these steps, our dentists might recommend an antifungal Cqndidiasis such as nystatin Mycostatin, Nilstat, Nystex to treat the condition. These products come in a mouth rinse or lozenges for mild cases, while more severe cases could require stronger medications like fluconazole Diflucan or itraconazole Oral Candidiasis. Maintain Good Oral Hygiene Proper daily hygiene is the primary action for avoiding most unpleasant dental problems.

Oral Candidiasis

Brush and floss your teeth at least twice a day, as well as after consuming sugary food or drinks. See your dentist regularly for a general check-up, and have your teeth cleaned professionally every six Oral Candidiasis 12 months.

Symptoms of Oral Thrush

Get Well Fitting Dentures Too many people walk around wearing ill-fitting dentures, which can cause problems ranging from oral thrush to mouth abscesses, gum disease, Oral Candidiasis misalignment, jaw pain and headaches. Loose dentures also create a perfect hiding place for food to accumulate and bacteria to breed.

Oral Candidiasis

Our dentists can help you resolve issues with your dentures or provide you with new ones that fit better. Live a Healthy Lifestyle Eat as healthily as you can by Oral Candidiasis a balanced diet low in sugar and yeast. They not only upset the delicate balance of your system, but you can also develop tolerance to the drugs that impacts their efficacy.]

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