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New England Colonies Dbq Analysis - final

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The British invasion of Martinique in In the middle of the 18th New England Colonies Dbq Analysis, a series of colonial conflicts began between France and Britainwhich ultimately resulted in the destruction of most of the first French colonial empire and the near-complete expulsion of France from the Americas. It may even be seen further back in time to the first of the French and Indian Wars.

This cyclic conflict is sometimes known as the Second Hundred Years' War. While the peace treaty saw France's Indian, and the Caribbean islands of Martinique and Guadeloupe restored to France, the competition for influence in India had been won by the British, and North America was entirely lost — New England Colonies Dbq Analysis of New France was taken by Britain also referred to as British North Americaexcept On Venus Flytrap An Essaywhich France ceded to Spain as payment for Spain's late entrance into the war and as compensation for Britain's annexation of Spanish Florida.

Although the loss of Canada would cause much regret in future generations, it excited little unhappiness at the time; colonialism was widely regarded as both unimportant to France, and immoral. True disaster came to what remained of France's colonial empire in when Saint Domingue the Western third of the Caribbean island of HispaniolaFrance's richest and most important colony, was riven by a massive slave revolt, caused partly by the divisions among the island's elite, which had resulted from the French Revolution of The slaves, led eventually by Toussaint L'Ouverture and then, following his capture by the French inby Jean-Jacques Dessalinesheld their own against French and British opponents, and ultimately achieved independence as Empire of Haiti in Haiti became the first black republic in the world, followed by Liberia in About 80, Haitians died in the —03 campaign alone.

Of the 55, French soldiers dispatched to Haiti in —03, 45, including 18 generals, had died, along with 10, sailors, the great majority from disease. She is now entirely deprived of her influence and her power in the West Indies.

New England Colonies Dbq Analysis

These were restored at the Treaty of Amiens inbut when war resumed inEgnland British soon recaptured them. France's repurchase of Louisiana in came to nothing, as the success of the Haitian Revolution convinced Napoleon that holding Louisiana would not be worth the cost, leading to its sale to the United States in The French attempt to establish a colony in Egypt in — was not successful.

New England Colonies Dbq Analysis

Battle casualties for the campaign were at least 15, killed or wounded and 8, prisoners for France; 50, killed or wounded and 15, prisoners for Turkey, Egypt, other Ottoman lands, and Britain. One authority countsAlgerian victims of the French conquest.

Enggland was made a French protectorate inand annexed as a colony of France in Dupetit Thouars forced the native government to pay an indemnity and sign a treaty of friendship with France respecting the rights of French subjects in the islands including any future Catholic missionaries. Four years later, claiming the Tahitians had violated the treaty, a French protectorate was forcibly installed and the queen made to sign a request for French protection.

The British remained officially neutral during the war but diplomatic existed between the French and British.

The French succeeded in subduing the guerilla forces on Tahiti but failed to hold the other islands. Although victorious, the French were not able to annex the islands due to diplomatic pressure from Great Britain, so Tahiti and its dependency Moorea continued to be ruled under the protectorate.

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The Leeward Islands were annexed through the Leewards War which ended in These conflicts and the annexation of other Pacific islands formed French Oceania. A key part of the enterprise was the modernization of the French Navy; he began the construction of 15 powerful new battle cruisers powered by steam and driven by propellers; Enngland a fleet of steam-powered troop transports. The French Navy became the second most powerful in the world, after Britain's. He also created a new force of colonial troops, including elite units of naval infantry, Zouavesthe Chasseurs d'Afrique, and Algerian sharpshooters, and he expanded the Foreign Legion, which had been founded in New England Colonies Dbq Analysis won fame in the Crimea, Italy and Mexico.

NEgland the end of Napoleon III's reign, the French overseas territories had tripled in the area; in they covered a 1, km2sq miwith more than 5 million inhabitants. A few dozen free settlers settled on the west coast in the following years, but New Caledonia became a penal colony and, from the s until the end of the transportations inabout 22, criminals and political prisoners were sent to New Caledonia.

New England Colonies Dbq Analysis

The economy had largely been New England Colonies Dbq Analysis on the slave tradecarried out by the rulers of the small kingdoms of the interior, until France abolished slavery in its colonies in InNapoleon III named an enterprising French officer, Louis Faidherbeto govern and expand the colony, and to give it the beginning of a modern economy. Faidherbe built a series of forts along Camellia Essays Senegal River, formed alliances with leaders in the interior, and sent expeditions against those who resisted French rule. He built a new port at Dakarestablished and protected telegraph lines and roads, followed these with a rail line between Dakar and Saint-Louis and another into the interior. He built schools, bridges, and systems to supply fresh water to the towns.

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He also introduced the large-scale cultivation of Bambara groundnuts and peanuts as a commercial crop. Reaching into the Niger valley, Senegal became the primary French base in West Africa and a model colony. Dakar became one of the most important cities of the French Empire and of Africa. An important factor in his decision was the belief that France risked becoming a second-rate power by not expanding its influence in East Asia. Deeper down was the sense that France owed the world a civilizing mission.]

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