National Mythology In Washington Irvings Rip Van Winkle - Custom Academic Help

National Mythology In Washington Irvings Rip Van Winkle

National Mythology In Washington Irvings Rip Van Winkle - this remarkable

However, one of the first myths in the U. There is not a doubt that as a child, many of you heard the words of Washington Irving's famous tale of the man who slept for twenty years. Nor can one forget the "elves" that Rip Van Winkle spent the night with in the amphitheater. This statement reveals Irving's intense emotional condition, and in many ways indicates the intense social atmosphere as well as his personal conflicts, during the composition of The Sketch Book. As one of America's most popular short stories, few school children have not heard of Rip Van Winkle's twenty-year slumber or imagined his long, gray beard. In the telling and re-telling of this mysterious tale, the original context of the story itself has, for the most part, been forgotten. We witness our two protagonist Goodman Brown and Rip endure life or death situations and what they conquer throughout their self-entitlement. National Mythology In Washington Irvings Rip Van Winkle

Rip's Character and Symbolism in Washington Irving's Rip Van Winkle

Catharine Maria Sedgwick's A New England Tale and Lydia Maria Child's Hobomok are two novels featuring MMythology heroines who, by contravening parental and religious authority, welcome a new era of Enlightenment into the young republic. The disobedient daughters of Sedgwick and Child bring education, refinement, and benevolence into the gloomy old theocratic societies governed by their difficult and benighted elders. Rebellious daughters have been central to Western literature throughout the ages, but the fate of defiant daughters continue reading the nineteenth century was nearly always death or expulsion from the societies disrupted by their disobedience. The defiant heroines created by Sedgwick and Child are an entirely new literary creation, one that reflects a national faith in private judgment so abiding that it could admit, for the first time, the legitimacy of the female dissenter.

Mythology In Washington Irving's Rip Van Winkle

Western literature has featured disobedient daughters ever since Genesis, the master narrative that established the defiant daughter as an irreparably destructive force in both the family and society. The disobedience of the daughter traditionally renders her vulnerable to exploitation and ruin and catalyzes the corruption of others, a pattern repeated in other masterworks, including Paradise Lost, King Lear, and Clarissa.

National Mythology In Washington Irvings Rip Van Winkle

In these narratives, daughterly defiance is so irremediable that social order can be restored only with the daughter's banishment and death. Novels of the eighteenth century take Wonkle strides away from this master paradigm of daughterly disobedience. In America, seduction novels such as Susanna Rowson's Charlotte Temple and Hannah Foster's The Coquette follow Samuel Richardson in cultivating readers' sympathies for their heroines by suggesting poor parenting as a cause of the seduced daughter's inability to govern her passions or to resist the advances of unscrupulous suitors.

By representing the eventual repentance and Christian conversion of their heroines, these novelists envision the possibility of redemption for the disobedient daughter.

National Mythology In Washington Irvings Rip Van Winkle

Nevertheless, even Rowson's and Foster's narratives of filial defiance continue to resolve with the daughter's death. Daughters in the late eighteenth-century novel in both England and America are more typically impeccably virtuous than they are disobedient.

National Mythology In Washington Irvings Rip Van Winkle

Gothic fictions such as Matthew Lewis's The MonkCharles Brockden Winmle Ormondand Mary Shelley's Frankenstein also subject such daughter-paragons to torment and death, but for the purpose of illustrating the depravity of the forces--Catholicism, international intrigue, science--that would make a sacrifice of such rarefied creatures. The more complex daughter-figures of Jane Austen and Sir Walter Scott exhibit intelligence, independence, and a sense of moral propriety often exceeding that of their guardians. Still, filial and religious duty are central to the notion of virtue for the English daughter of the early nineteenth-century novel.]

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