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Multitasking Research Paper

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How to Make Research Easy (\u0026 Even Enjoyable) Multitasking Research Paper

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Lorin Bradbury Question: My husband and I have been having some Multitasking Research Paper heated discussions lately. I find nothing wrong with multitasking, and he refuses to be interrupted to take a telephone call. Your husband is right. Doing Reesearch than one task at a time, especially more than one complex task, takes a toll on productivity. Psychologists who study what happens to mental processes when people try to perform more than one task at a time have found that our brains were not designed for heavy-duty multitasking. Researchers have attempted to measure the cost in time for switching tasks.

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Also, they have measured the cost of switching within similar levels of task difficulty, such as complex versus familiar tasks. It has been shown that switching between two different tasks, as opposed to task-repeat trials, significantly slows Multitasking Research Paper the process, Papet costing time.

There appears to be two parts to the overall cost of switching tasks. Researchers believe the first loss of time is attributable to the time required to adjust to the new task, and the second is attributable to competition due to a carryover from the previous task.

Multitasking Research Paper

Most reading this article can think of times that you were required to switch tasks frequently. In the process, you may have found yourself having a difficult time moving forward, with thoughts from the previous task interfering with the new task. One of the more interesting findings in multitasking research is Multitasking Research Paper it can be harder to switch to the more familiar uMltitasking than to less familiar task, possibly because you pay less attention to more familiar tasks.

Multitasking Research Paper

This can result in lost time due to mistakes while performing tasks that you know well. In other words, you are simply distracted.

Multitasking Research Paper

For an employer, this can be very costly.]

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