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Consider, that: Minor Themes Of Hosea

Minor Themes Of Hosea 623
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Minor Themes Of Hosea

Minor Themes Of Hosea - idea

One strong possibility is that it is a diptych i. Four hundred years later, Egypt's new Pharaoh , who does not remember how Joseph had saved Egypt from famine, is fearful that the Israelites could become a fifth column. He forces them into slavery and orders the throwing of all newborn boys into the Nile , so as to reduce the population. A Levite woman Jochebed , according to other sources saves her baby by setting him adrift on the river Nile in an ark of bulrushes. Pharaoh's daughter finds the child, names him Moses , and out of sympathy for the Hebrew boys, brings him up as her own.

This day is for you, too.

Minor Themes Of Hosea

But Minor Themes Of Hosea you fall on the spectrum of fatherhood, I hope that what I have to share today will bring a little bit of hope and a little bit of The,es to you. I have my notes right here in front of me, below the camera. I have a lot to share today and I want to stay on track and get it right. So here we go. A little bit about myself. I have been part of the Cornerstone Community since I moved here from Cape Town, South Africa. I joined the staff as an intern in I met my wife, Aletha, at Cornerstone, too.


She was on staff. We got married inand a year later we had our son, Hosea. It was much sooner than we were anticipating. Four weeks after he was born, Aletha passed away. Now, that was almost five years ago, but it still feels like yesterday. What I wanted Minor Themes Of Hosea share today was something a little more simple or foundational, basic, it might seem at first. I think sometimes we need to go back to the beginning, to the foundations of our faith, and look at them with a fresh perspective and in some new ways, in order to move forward and engage with our faith in a new way.

Before I dive in, I wanted to share a story, though, about why we decided to name our son Hosea. We named our son Hosea because of this. This is Minor Themes Of Hosea sketch The,es Aletha drew based on a passage Minlr Hosea What this promise was about…, it was about God promising hope and restoration, and healing, and something beautiful out of the desert place that He was going to call her, out of a place of suffering and brokenness.

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Specifically, it was about marriage. She drew this in during a prayer retreat. That was before we even really met.

Minor Themes Of Hosea

So God is faithful. Yes, He is. Fun fact, two other names that Aletha suggested for our son were Thor and Thouse, which is short for Methuselah.

Minor Themes Of Hosea

We went for Hosea.]

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