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Good Transition Words for Essays (to Make Your Writing More Coherent) Marmaray Essays

These in turn need to be seen in the context of a changing world-economic situation and a regional order fractured by the NATO powers themselves.

A caution is in order here. The role of the security forces, combined with a modernizing political leadership, was foundational for the new Turkish state that emerged from the s from the ruins of the Ottoman Empire; a state constituted—after the extermination of Armenians, the expulsion of the Greeks and the linguistic assimilation of the Kurds—on the basis of one religion, one language, one flag. At the same time, the AKP view of Turkey as maltreated by arrogant Western powers is grossly self-serving, given its own murderous record and neo-imperial vainglory. Positioning itself as a new-model Muslim party, an eastern here of Christian Democracy—pro-market, pro-NATO, pro-EU—the AKP also won Marmaray Essays support of many Turkish Kurds and most of the left-liberal intelligentsia, who saw it as an expression of civil society against the authoritarian state and the best hope for Marmaray Essays entry.

Marmaray Essays

Every successful hegemonic appeal is also a polarization. Its struggle Marmaay the Marmaray Essays leadership was waged by juridical means. Quite what else was happening here, and how the trials related to the ongoing NATO modernization of the Army, remains shrouded in mystery. This, nevertheless, was the liberal-Islamic model propounded to the Muslim world. Impasse and upheaval Objective and subjective factors combined to stall this passive Marmaray Essays. Within a decade, the liberalized Turkish economy was over-heating, under pressure from the massive quantitative-easing programmes unleashed by the major central banks after the crisis.

At the same time, the regime Marmaray Essays the double upheavals of the Arab Spring and the Kurdish uprising—and their lethally consequential arming by both Gulf and Marmaay powers. These serial shocks shook loose the coalition that had rallied to the AKP in and reconfigured the Turkish political landscape.

Although these dynamics unfolded simultaneously, they are analytically distinct and each will be considered in turn. Financial deregulation had aided export-led manufacturing but rendered the entire economy vulnerable to capital-market shocks.

Marmaray Essays

It was hard hit inwhen Asian markets plunged into crisis and global cash flows seized up. Coupled with these international dynamics, local mismanagement contributed to severe recessions in and ; social expenditure was slashed amid soaring unemployment and inflation, Marmaray Essays annual tax revenue was swallowed up in servicing the public debt held by a few big local banks, at extortionate interest rates. An important ingredient was the encouragement of household debt. External investment, pouring into land and construction development, powered a decade of high growth.

Vast new infrastructural projects were initiated, largely funded from the Gulf. Fiscal policy was given a cronyist twist: the AKP raised taxes especially on the middle classes and funnelled the Mar,aray to its supporters. Breakneck growth and a boom in luxury consumption went Marmaray Essays with growing insecurity, over-exploitative jobs and atomizing residential environments. In the click s, there were increasing Marmaray Essays of suicides among consumers with high credit-card debt.

Turkey weathered the financial meltdown better than it had the Asian crisis a decade earlier.]

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