Managing Youth Gangs - Custom Academic Help

Managing Youth Gangs Video

Gang of Youths - Down to Earth (full show) - Feb. 26, 2020 - Melbourne Managing Youth Gangs.


Aims: To reduce the number of First Time Entrants to Managing Youth Gangs Youth Justice System - by diverting young people committing low level offences away from the criminal justice system at the earliest opportunity. Reduction in re-offending rates — research Managing Youth Gangs that addressing low level criminal behaviour without formally processing young people through the courts is more likely to reduce re-offending Earlier and more effective engagement with victims and increased levels of victim Yough — by increasing the opportunities for victims to participate in safe restorative justice approaches and enabling them to move on from the feeling of victimisation Cost avoidance of the diversionary element of the scheme, primarily through avoided costs to the police and court system Description: Suffolk Youth Offending Service SYOS in partnership with Suffolk Constabulary developed an initiative building on the existing youth diversion scheme.

In cases where further assessments are appropriate the young person could be subjected to a Level 2 Triage intervention, a Youth Caution Managlng a Youth Conditional Caution. Dedicated police officers and YOS staff as decision makers support a more effective and Youh integrated decision making process The majority of families can be seen within 48 hours of the referral through a home visit which addresses barriers to engagement, for example; poor access to transport for those living in a rural community Police Officers and SYOS staff strongly support the scheme and the principles for taking a diversionary approach.

Implementing the practice: The model in Suffolk required an additional policing resource to be seconded to the YOS. It requires a good working relationship between the Managing Youth Gangs and the YOT both at strategic and operational levels. Suffolk YOS completed a staff please click for source to change staff terms and conditions enabling weekend and evening working.]

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