Leo — Aquarius Virgo — Pisces Fire and air signs are very compatible because they help each other out. A fire needs air to survive, so, as an example, a Leo and Libra will usually get along and have a happy relationship.

Earth and water signs are also compatible because they need each other in order to exist. Capricorn and Pisces would make an excellent team and have a solid relationship. Of course, there are exceptions to every rule.
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Therefore, you could be a great match for practically every sign! Fire burns earth, and water puts out fire. A passionate fire sign can destroy the stability of a solid earth sign.

In fact, they may end up ignoring each other over time. Air and water signs are incompatible because both elements are necessary to exist, but not at the same time.
Astrology and Relationship Incompatibility
You breathe air and drink water, but never together. Who are you compatible with? Being in a healthy, happy relationship takes lots of work and effort.]
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