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Looting In Robert Atwoods Stealing History Looting In Robert Atwoods Stealing History

By Carlo Munoz AOL Defense, November 1, Washington: The Pentagon is offering field commanders control of counterintelligence operations to cope with the never-ceasing efforts by countries such as China, Iran and Israel to gain access to Stealinv information and technology.

Groups such as Central Command and Special Operations Command can now choose to do their own CI work within their organizations, according to the memo.

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Formal investigations are still handled by the services. James Gregory said. Read full article. Phi Beta Stealiing At the tactical level intelligence has always been the runt, generally one rank down from operations, and within intelligence, counterintelligence is where the runts of the runts go. While Jim Clapper destroyed Marty Hurwitz, he did not make tactical intelligence counterintelligence silent as in non-existent healthy again, going on to make national consolidation every worse.

Looting In Robert Atwoods Stealing History

There is a huge difference between security and defensive counterintelligence — they are not source same but ignorant commanders will treat them as one. There is a huge difference between defensive counterintelligence and offensive counterintelligence — no one in the US national intelligence community is competent as offensive counterintelligence, and the commanders will be oblivious to this until such time as we finally eliminate the regional commands and reset national defense and multinational information-sharing and sense-making.

Looting In Robert Atwoods Stealing History

The greatest enemy of America is a dishonest intelligence community that cannot do holistic analytics relevant to everything we need to know. So, for COCOMs to run their own CI operations, they will require resources to be sourced, either permanently or temporarily, from the Services or from DIA, which itself gets its military personnel from the Services and competes with the rest of the Intelligence Community to hire civilians. That would serve principally to exacerbate existing shortages in counterintelligence personnel and force structure.

Looting In Robert Atwoods Stealing History

In other words, Mike Vickers is not leading, he is scamming. Posted on.]

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