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Linda Banks-Santillis Guilt Analysis

Linda Banks-Santillis Guilt Analysis Video

Woman pleads guilty in murder of former Arkansas state senator Linda Banks-Santillis Guilt Analysis

Could he go through walls and float through the air and appear elsewhere when it was convenient?

Literary Analysis derived from an Analytical Chemist

Perhaps they were twins separated at birth—or very early. It is still an unexplained mystery. I am writing about William West and Will West. They both arrived at Leavenworth Penitentiary in the early s to be incarcerated for crimes.

Hero Myth Film Analysis

Will West had not committed a very serious crime. He went to Leavenworth to make amends.

Linda Banks-Santillis Guilt Analysis

After a short while, it became obvious to others—prisoners and staff—that he possessed paranormal powers. He could actually be in two places at once. Those in the general area were getting the heebie jeebies. Was William West something like a shape-shifter that we talk about today?

The recently interned Will West seemed to be trading places with William West, a convicted murderer. Bqnks-Santillis

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William West, the murderer had come to Leavenworth two years prior and was entered into the system there. Bertillon Measurements are precise measurements, specifically of the facial features, accompanied by a photo, i. The person who developed the Bertillon System of identification was Alphonse Bertillon, a French criminologist and handwriting expert. Inthe US Prison Systems adopted his method to document inmates. The method Linda Banks-Santillis Guilt Analysis excellent for its purpose for over twenty years—when the unthinkable happened. Two men who had the same name and looked pretty much exactly the same wound up in the same prison at the same time. The clerk was used to hearing such denials of guilt from the inmates, but he sat bolt upright when he realized he had another—and two-year-old—file in front of him.

He compared the photo and facial chart to the new admission in front of him.

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He was flabbergasted. They seemed to be the same person. About the same time, Bertillon was perfecting a method of fingerprinting and wished to expand the method for identification purposes. Leavenworth and other prisons began to put his fingerprinting methods into practice.

Linda Banks-Santillis Guilt Analysis

Before long, fingerprint analysis was used by law enforcement the world over. Share This Post.]

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