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Jesus 1: 1-17 Analysis

Jesus 1: 1-17 Analysis Video

Jesus 1: 1-17 Analysis.

Biblical narrative[ edit ] The Magi visit Jerusalem to seek guidance as to where the king of the Jews has been born; King Herod directs them to Bethlehem and asks them to return to him and report, but they are warned in a dream and do not do so.

Jesus 1: 1-17 Analysis

The Jexus is reported in Gospel of Matthew : When Herod realized that he had been outwitted by the Magi, he was furious, and he gave orders to kill all the boys in Bethlehem and its vicinity who were two years old and under, in accordance with the time he had learned from the Magi. History and theology[ edit ] Main article: Matthew 2 A majority of Herod biographers, and "probably a majority of biblical scholars," hold the event to be myth, legend or folklore.

Jesus 1: 1-17 Analysis

AD 94despite recording many of Herod's misdeeds including the murder of three of his own sons. Later in life, after Moses has to flee, like Jesus, he only returns when those who sought his death are themselves dead.

Francedespite noting that the massacre is "perhaps the aspect [of his story of Jesus' infancy] most often rejected as legendary", [9] and acknowledging that the story is similar to that of Moses, argues "[i]t is clear that this scriptural model has been important in Matthew's telling of the story of Jesus, but not so clear that it would Analgsis given rise to this narrative without historical basis. Coptic sources raised this toand placed the event on 29 December. The Pageant of the Shearmen and Tailors, performed in Coventry, England, included a haunting song about the episode, now Jesus 1: 1-17 Analysis as the Coventry Carol.

Jesus 1: 1-17 Analysis

The Ordo Rachelis tradition of four plays includes the Flight into Egypt, Herod's succession by Archelausthe return from Egypt, as well as the Massacre all centred on Rachel weeping Jesus 1: 1-17 Analysis fulfillment of Jeremiah's prophecy. These events were likewise in one of the medieval N-Town Plays. The carol was performed in Coventry in England as part of a mystery play called The Pageant of the Shearmen and Tailors.

The play depicts the Christmas story from chapter two in the Gospel of Matthew. The carol refers to the Massacre of the Innocents, in which Herod ordered all male infants two years old and under in Bethlehem to be killed.

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It is the only carol that has survived from this play. The author is unknown. The oldest known text was written down source Robert Croo inand the oldest known printing of the melody dates from The 17th Century Dutch Christmas song O Kerstnacht, schoner dan de dagenwhile beginning with a reference to Christmas Nightis about the Massacre of the Innocents.]

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