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Intersectional Activism

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Illustration by Nathalie Cruz for Yahoo Life In honor of Earth DayYahoo Life is profiling some of the many advocates leading the charge to save the planet today: young BIPOC Intersectional Activism, indigenous, people of color activists fighting for climate justice through an intersectional lens.

Intersectional Activism

What propelled you into this line of activism? My mom is from Ethiopia and my dad is from Sudan and they were both Intersectional Activism at one point in their lives. We had a garden… growing our own food. That was just a normal, natural part of what I thought was just growing up and eating food — knowing where your food comes from. I thought it was pretty average — and for a lot of Intersectional Activism who come from those regions it is Intersectiojal but when you come to America That was the beginning stages of how I got into environmentalism.

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I'd worked on the Small Axe Farm in Vermont because … I [already] knew how to garden and it seemed like an easy direction, but what I found was that this is Intersectional Activism not accessible to a lot of people. For me, a lightbulb went off and I started investigating from there. Story continues Why have you chosen to laser focus your activism on the food and agriculture aspect of climate-change activism? I'm…really interested in trying to fill the gaps between barriers to food. I currently volunteer at the local Intersectional Activism center and I work in the kitchen where we are able to provide healthy meals for homeless teens, which is amazing.

Intersectional Activism

But I think the direction that I'm going in right now is in outdoor recreation. I still recognize that we have all these Intersectional Activism parks that you have to pay to go in.

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Intersectional Activism mission right now is to first attain those certifications myself and How is environmental activism intersectional — and why should it be seen through that lens? I grew up in Maine, which is extremely white, and I never really saw myself working in the environmental field for the simple fact that I never saw anyone that looked like me in the field. So I just thought it was out of my reach. And still while forming the Environmental Changemakers I have also seen how extremely white and gate-kept the sector is.

When you think about the effects of climate change, the people who are going to be affected the most are those marginalized groups. I understood that as an individual — as someone who grew up in Intersectional Activism low-income household in a low income-neighborhood.]

Intersectional Activism

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