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Importance Of Second Language Acquisition

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Importance Of Second Language Acquisition

Importance Of Second Language Acquisition - has

Search this website The Importance and Advantages of Learning a Second Language It's true when people say that it's never too old to learn something new. This Penlighten post elucidates on the importance of learning a second language. Most countries today, because of increasing urbanization, international commerce, tourism, business travel, and modern technology have begun to embrace the concept of a society that is multicultural. And evidently, a globalized multicultural society would naturally be multilingual. In the United States, most students usually study just English, or learn a second language at a stage when gaining proficiency becomes too late. The importance and advantages of learning a second language is continuing to increase day by day. For example, the inflow of immigrants of Hispanic origins into the US has resulted in creating a great need for Spanish translators and interpreters. The situation is likewise in a number of other languages as well. However, the importance of learning a second language is not merely limited to the ability of communicating with people who speak different languages.

The multilingual nature of Namibia results in the notion of mother tongue medium of instruction not to be implemented effectively.

Importance Of Second Language Acquisition

Therefore some schools have English as medium of instruction from grade one Wolfaardt, and this could result in the neglect of the mother tongue. This study was conducted to find out if there is a difference in English Second Language performance in grade five of those Afrikaans speaking learners who received mother tongue instruction during the first three years of formal education as opposed to those that received instruction through English.

The Importance Of Second Language Acquisition might be that the neglect Immportance mother tongue instruction can partly be the reason for these poor grade six results.

Importance Of Second Language Acquisition

Currently, there is a decline in the performance of English as a Second Language results in grade twelve Ministry of Basic Education Sport and Culture, and this might partly be as a result of a language Seecond that has occurred in the primary school. Therefore recommendations need to be made and implemented that are research based for the rectification of this problem.

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Importance Of Second Language Acquisition

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