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Importance Of Education For Peace

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Importance of Peace Education Importance Of Education For Peace

Definition[ edit ] Ian Harris and John Synott have described peace education as a series of "teaching encounters" that draw from people: [8] their desire for peace, nonviolent alternatives for managing conflict, and skills for critical analysis of structural arrangements that produce and legitimize injustice and inequality. James Page suggests peace education be thought of as "encouraging a commitment to peace learn more here a settled disposition and enhancing the confidence of the individual as an individual agent of peace; as informing the student on the consequences of war and social injustice; as informing the student on the value of peaceful and just social structures and working to uphold or develop such social structures; as encouraging the student to love the world and to imagine a peaceful future; and as caring for the student and encouraging the student to care for others".

Johan Galtung suggested in that no theory for peace education existed and that there was clearly an urgent need for such theory. Joachim James Calleja has suggested that a philosophical basis for peace education might be located in the Kantian notion of duty. Holmes claims that a moral presumption against violence Fog exists among civilized nations. On the basis of this presumptive prohibition, he outlines Importance Of Education For Peace philosophical values, including pacifism[13] [14] relevant Importance Of Education For Peace the nonviolent resolution of conflicts among Importancee.

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Since the early 20th century, "peace education" programs around the world have represented a spectrum of focal themes, including anti-nuclearism, international understanding, environmental responsibility, communication skills, nonviolenceconflict resolution techniques, democracy, human rights awareness, tolerance of diversity, Educatino and gender equalityamong others.

The main elements of these programs include: learning to manage anger, "fighting fair"; improving communication through skills such as listening, turn-taking, identifying needs; and separating facts from emotions.

Importance Of Education For Peace

Participants are encouraged to take responsibility for their actions and to brainstorm together on compromises. As one peer mediation coordinator put it: "Conflict is very natural and normal, but you can't go through your entire life beating everybody up—you have to learn different ways to resolve conflict".

They Educatjon that with an increase in democratic participation, societies are less likely to resolve conflict through violence and war.

Importance Of Education For Peace

At the same time, "A democratic society Peqce the commitment of citizens who accept the inevitability of conflict as well as the necessity for tolerance" U. Department of State, The Culture of Democracy, emphasis added. They seek to produce "responsible citizens" who will hold their governments accountable to the standards of peace, primarily through adversarial processes.

Activities are structured to have students "assume the role of the citizen that chooses, makes decisions, takes positions, argues positions, and respects the opinions of others".

Importance Of Education For Peace

Importance Of Education For Peace It is further assumed that they are necessary to create a culture of peace. Justice education[ edit ] Education for justice is the process of promoting the rule of law RoL through educational activities at all levels. Education for justice teaches the next generation about crime prevention, to better understand and address problems that Educatkon undermine the rule of law. This promotes peace and encourages students to engage actively in their communities and future professions. This ensures that learners develop the skills and know-how to engage in society as ethically responsible citizens. The aim is to engender a commitment among participants to a vision of structural peace in which all individual members of the human race can exercise their personal freedoms and enjoy legal protection from violence, oppression and indignity.

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In fact, such education can be counterproductive Peave lead to greater conflict if people become aware of rights which are Educayion realized. In this respect, human rights education can increase the potential for conflict" [24] To prevent these outcomes, many such Importance Of Education For Peace are now being combined with aspects of conflict resolution and democracy education schools of thought, along with article source in nonviolent action. Conflict-promoting attitudes and behaviours characterize earlier phases of human development; unity-promoting attitudes and behaviours emerge in later phases of healthy development. Danesh a, b,a, b [26] proposes an "Integrative Theory of Peace" in which peace is understood as a psychosocial, political, moral and spiritual reality. Peace education, he says, must focus on the healthy development and maturation of human consciousness through assisting people to examine and transform their worldviews.

Worldviews are defined as the subconscious lens acquired through cultural, family, historical, religious and societal influences through which people perceive four key issues: 1 the nature of reality, 2 human nature, 3 the purpose of existence, 4 the principles governing appropriate human relationships.

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Surveying a mass of material, Danesh argues that the majority of people and societies in the world hold conflict-based worldviews, which express themselves in conflicted intrapersonal, interpersonal, intergroup, and international relationships. He subdivides conflict-based worldviews into two main categories, which he correlates to phases of human development: the Survival-Based Worldview and the Identity-Based Worldview. Acquiring of a more integrative, Unity-Based Worldview increases human capacity to mitigate conflict, create unity in the context of diversity, and establish sustainable cultures of peace - at Importance Of Education For Peace, at school, at work, or in the international community.

Critical peace education[ edit ] Modern forms of peace education relate to new scholarly explorations and applications of techniques used in peace education internationally, in plural communities, and with individuals.]

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