How Is Power Misused In Animal Farm - Custom Academic Help

How Is Power Misused In Animal Farm - You

What message is Orwell conveying to the reader through these processes? Napoleon obtains power fundamentally by elimination of all opposing him. He obtains and maintains power by turning other animals weaknesses into his opportunities. The pigs in this novel represent a government 's leaders and the effects of what happens when a government gains too much power and influence over its people. Many agree that the consequences depicted in the book could have been avoided, but what really caused these tragic happenings? Although both living experiences under Mr. George Orwell was the pen name of Eric Blair, a British political novelist and Theme Of Corruption In Animal Farm Words 3 Pages your farm when suddenly the horses start kicking at your shins, the chickens peck at your toes, and the pugnacious pigs throw you off your own land. How Is Power Misused In Animal Farm How Is Power Misused In Animal Farm

How Is Power Misused In Animal Farm Video

How Animal farm portrays the power, leadership and corruption

All around the Anmial there are signs proving this to be true, even in literature. Classic novels which tend to address universal concerns such as too much power, are able to change the way people view life. A classic novel such as Animal Farm which was written by George Orwell is able to portray how having too much power will eventually lead to the abuse of that power through the use of metaphors.

How Is Power Misused In Animal Farm

People corrupt power. Napoleon is portrayed to be a selfish and power hungry pig, who cares little for other. As time passes in the novel his thirst for power grows. Napoleon and the other pigs start to show signs of their selfishness in the beginning chapters after taking control of the far from Mr. Everything started off well but the pigs start to claim certain privileges for themselves. When Napoleon came into Ix, corruption followed. Napoleon had a longing desire to always be in control and maintain authority over all the animals.

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To keep his influence and rule in the farm Napoleon used force he also instilled fear into the hearts of the animals. The whole farm takes a toll because of the abuse of power in the novel, everything changes for the worse. Napoleon soon starts to think that he is above everyone else living in the farm and starts to disobey How Is Power Misused In Animal Farm rules of animalism.

The pigs power keeps Fadm ,and their lives become easier, while the other animals of the farm work hard everyday and suffer more and more as time goes on. With the power they have they start to give themselves certain privileges, such as sleeping in the beds of the old farmhouse. Napoleon even had his subordinates change the seven commandments as an excuse to justify their hectic lifestyles.

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This is one of the Poower ways the abuse their power is shown in the novel. Too much power brings about the selfish desires in a person, Napoleon does not know the difference between what his needs and his greed, thus giving more evidence as to why the breaks the rules of the land to make life easier. The overall outcome of the novel is greatly impacted by the abuse of the pigs power. In the end the pigs had turned into the ones they drove away.

How Is Power Misused In Animal Farm

No question, now, what had happened to the faces of the pigs. The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.

Reindeer Observation

The publishing of the book took more than a year, but it became a critical and popular triumph. Animal farm should be seen as a remarkable history lesson, which portrays the idealism of a utopian society which eventually becomes a dystopia. Just like the Napoleon stole the happiness away from the animals in the farm, Stalin took the bright future away from the people of Russia and made his life easier to live. Because of all the power he had the was to do anything he wanted, eventually turning the dream of a Utopian society into a dystopia.

As Orwell grew up he was able to experience what life was like in the lower working class. His experience in the police helped him see how easily the lower class was suppressed in a communist government.

How Is Power Misused In Animal Farm

Being able to connect with the with the working class helped him easily portray how they were affected in the government. Because of his experiences the novel was more diverse. His opinion of communism were greatly influenced about the stuff he had witnessed and went through as a young man.

He is able to show how all societies with leaders that have good intentions that they are at risk from evils within their own nation. Leave power into the wrong hands and they will corrupt itAnimal Farm was able to portray the fact that when power falls into the wrong hands it will ultimately be abused. The idea if a Utopian society will always be here, but there is doubt that the dream will ever be a reality because of how much power corrupts.

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