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How Did The Harlem Renaissance Influence The 20s

How Did The Harlem Renaissance Influence The 20s Video

The Harlem Renaissance's cultural explosion, in photographs How Did The Harlem Renaissance Influence The 20s

It became a prosperous city with a forum, baths, temples, theatres, and an amphitheatre.

How Did The Harlem Renaissance Influence The 20s

After the marshland between the river Seine and its slower 'dead arm' to its north was filled in around the 10th century, [41] Paris' cultural centre began to move to the Right Bank. In the late 12th century, Philip Augustus extended the Louvre fortress to defend the city against river invasions from the west, gave the city its first walls between andrebuilt its bridges to either side of its central island, and paved its main thoroughfares. By comparison, London in had 80, inhabitants.

How Did The Harlem Renaissance Influence The 20s

Bartholomew's Day massacre in which thousands of French Protestants were killed. This king made several improvements to the capital during Thf reign: he completed the construction of Paris' first uncovered, sidewalk-lined bridge, the Pont Neufbuilt a Louvre extension connecting it to the Tuileries Palaceand created the first Paris residential square, the Place Royale, now Place des Vosges.

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In spite of Henry IV's efforts to improve city circulation, the narrowness of Paris' streets was a contributing factor in his assassination near Les Halles marketplace in After Richelieu's death init was renamed the Palais-Royal. To demonstrate that the city was safe from attack, the king had the city walls demolished and replaced with tree-lined boulevards that would become the Grands Boulevards of today. Paris was the financial capital of continental Europe, the primary European centre of book publishing and fashion and the manufacture of fine furniture and luxury goods. On 14 July, a mob seized the arsenal at the Invalidesacquiring thousands of guns, and stormed the Bastillea symbol of royal authority.

Inas the revolution turned more and more radical, the king, queen, and the mayor were guillotined executed in the Reign of Terroralong with more than 16, others throughout France. The first railway line to Paris opened inbeginning a new period of massive migration from the provinces to the city. After months of blockade, hunger, and then bombardment by the Prussians, the city was forced to surrender Imfluence 28 January On 28 March, a revolutionary government called the Paris Commune seized power in Paris. The Commune held power for two months, until it was harshly suppressed by the French army during the "Bloody Week" at the end of May It was the birthplace of FauvismCubism and abstract art[69] [70] and authors such as Marcel Proust were exploring new approaches to literature.

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The city was also bombed by Zeppelins and shelled by German long-range guns. None of the children came back. On 17 Octoberan unauthorised but peaceful protest demonstration of Algerians against the curfew led to violent confrontations between the police and demonstrators, in which at least 40 people were killed, including some thrown into the Seine. Thousands of Parisian blue-collar workers joined the students, and the movement grew into a two-week general strike. Supporters of the government won the June elections by a large majority.

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The May events in France resulted in the break-up of the University of Paris into 13 independent campuses. It was highly controversial, and it remains the only building in the centre of the city over 32 storeys high. It reached 2.]

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