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How Did Martin Luther King Support Civil Rights

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How Did Martin Luther King Support Civil Rights

How Did Martin Luther King Support Civil Rights Video

How Did Martin Luther King Support Civil Rights - consider

Historians and modern politicians alike, challenge his contributions to the Civil Rights Movement and the legitimacy of his leadership. To say anything less may be considered sacrilege in the history of the United States. Perhaps one of his most sustained acts was his ability to represent the plight of African American rights while simultaneously portraying Ethical Leader : Martin Luther King, Jr. Each year, on the third Monday in January, our nation celebrates the life and achievements of one of its most influential civil rights leaders—Martin Luther King, Jr. King saw a vision for America, its people, and the world. Martin Luther King in my opinion is one of these few leaders. His day of birth is remarked with a national holiday in the United States and there are many historic sites dedicated to MLK across the nation.

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King was referring to criticisms against Georgia's recently passed voter law. The law, which requires voter ID along with many other changes, has been criticized by President Joe Biden and others as a form of "Jim Crow.

How Did Martin Luther King Support Civil Rights

Your identity does not matter. Who cares who you are?

How Did Martin Luther King Support Civil Rights

Just show up and vote,' you are taking away my identity," King continued. She referred to it as "identity theft.

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Numerous studies have shown that non-white voters are more likely to lack a government-issued ID Suupport are also more likely to face questioning about their ID. Nevertheless, two recent polls have shown that majorities of Americans support voter ID laws. A fall poll from the Pew Research Center found that 76 percent of Americans support the laws. Read more.]

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