Hills Like White Elephants: A Literary Analysis - pinsoftek.com Custom Academic Help

Hills Like White Elephants: A Literary Analysis Video

Hills Like White Elephants -- Analysis Hills Like White Elephants: A Literary Analysis

I have chosen these two short stories because the conflicts in both of the stories are not alike one another.

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In Elepuants: literary analysis I hope to identify the conflict, literary techniques, and also similarities and differences between both short stories. The reason why it is individual vs individual is because the man and the women cannot come to an agreement about whether to have an operation or not. The …show more content… In this story the literary technique conflict played a major role in shaping the story altogether. I see this literary element throughout the whole story as the man and the women argue about having an operation or not.

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She uses this simile multiple times throughout the story. The first time she uses it, is to bring up the conversation with Anxlysis significant other about abortion. The second time she uses it is to throughout the idea of abortion and to stop talking about the subject. This helps shape the argument throughout the short story.

Hills Like White Elephants: A Literary Analysis

The third literary element in the story is the climax of the story. I think that the climax of this story is when jig threatens to scream if the man does not quit talking about the operation. She asked several times for him to quit talking about it, and it finally led up to her threatening to scream over the situation. The reason why I think that it is very blunt is because the couple is arguing in the whole short story about whether to have an operation or not.

Hills Like White Elephants: A Literary Analysis

I think that the author also talks in the third person point of view to possibly distance himself from the internal conflict that is going on with him. I think that both of these short stories use very different literary techniques to help their conflict.

Hills Like White Elephants: A Literary Analysis

This allows the reader to easily figure out what conflict is going on within the short story.]

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