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Habitat Destruction In The Environment

Habitat Destruction In The Environment Video

Habitat Destruction In The Environment - consider, that

Some think this new epoch should start at the Industrial Revolution, some at the advent of agriculture 10, to 15, years ago. This feeds into the popular notion that environmental destruction is a recent phenomenon. The lives of our hunter-gatherer ancestors are instead romanticized. Many think they lived in balance with nature, unlike modern society where we fight against it. The extent of these extinctions across continents is shown in the chart. Habitat Destruction In The Environment

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FAO estimated This alarming rate of deforestation can potentially have a devastating effect on the local fishing industry which in contributed 1. Gibbs was a lead researcher on a Mangroves Fish Assemblages survey that sought to identify the potential problems that can result from anthropogenic pressures placed on mangrove systems. Further analysis has to be made a priority to increase the baseline data already collected from this research.

To guide management practices, like the development of MPAs for conservation.

Habitat Destruction In The Environment

As part of his research, Gibbs also assessed the abundance, biomass and marine diversity at Mt Hartman and Westerhall Bay taking into account the difference in anthropogenic activities that may adversely impact these ecosystems. Based on his findings there was a significant difference in species richness at the Habitzt Hartman site but no significant difference in species composition.

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These findings suggest that Mt Hartman would have accounted for a greater number of individual species while the composition was almost the same. He said this finding is significant since it was hypothesised that Westerhall would have a higher richness based on the lower levels of anthropogenic activities in the area when compared to Mt Hartman. There is cause for concern. Habitat loss could result in a decline in species and the recruitment service Destruftion the ecosystem.

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Management efforts like EIAs and land use policies must be developed to mitigate against habitat destruction. That is, as the size of mangroves increased, so too did commercial fish landings. When this is compared to the relatively small size of our existing mangrove ecosystems, their health and productivity become essential for the future of our nearshore fisheries. With the continued loss of our mangroves, we would expect a decline in the quantity of fish Destrucion coastal fishers can harvest.

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This may have a ripple effect on coastal communities as fisherfolk are the bedrock of many communities and many Grenadians consume fish as a major source of protein. The benefits of coastal vegetation such as mangroves to Envirojment ecosystems are insurmountable and include preventing coastal erosion from storm surges, filtering water, and providing nursery habitat for many fish species. NOW Grenada is not responsible for the opinions, statements or media content presented by contributors. In case of abuse, click here to report.]

Habitat Destruction In The Environment

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