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March 14th, The Green New Deal: A Causative Justification and Outline of Action The Green New Deal, appropriately designed and executed, is the only immediately actionable response to the ecological and economic crisis that America currently faces in the form of climate change.

As this essay carries inferences to public policy, it is necessary to address the arguments that oppose for various reasons the Green New Deal before details of the project itself can Summaru presented. At the heart of the issue, what the approaches repudiated in this essay have in common is the extent to which they are Greenland Ice Sheet Summary and their unremitting political bias.

Some denounce climate change as a notion, and others argue capitalism to be the centerpiece of the issues at hand and effectively the embodiment of climate change. Both are incorrect in making such grandiose claims.

Greenland Ice Sheet Summary

The coming words will address the arguments of, and evidence against, the two major wings of political opposition to the GND. Source begin, the basic information regarding climate change is irrefutable—there is no scientific basis on which to draw inferences to the contrary.

This essay will dedicate no more time to either disproving them or proving the existence of dangerous climate change, Greenland Ice Sheet Summary how apparent the exigence of the issue truly is. That said, the view espoused by these commentators is also not the norm in contrast to what some argue. Widespread denial of the existence of climate change does not exist in the United States [1].

Greenland Ice Sheet Summary

Greenland Ice Sheet Summary, some of these politically oriented approaches propose drastic Greenland Ice Sheet Summary to bring awareness to the public and spur them to action. That click here to say, high-fear appeals only work if the person in question believes their effort to be part of a broader drive that has a chance of making a meaningful difference Mei Feng, To add to this, the introduction of existential threat actually consistently decreases pro-environmental behavior within individuals Buttlar et al, These can be taken together to insinuate that the population is discouraged to take individual action against climate change when they feel it to be futile, either due to being the only one attempting to make these changes or because change itself appears to be pointless. The last of these points is of extreme importance.

Arguments that are not careful to ensure that they align themselves with this psychological reality will do little. This development has caused some particularly radical thinkers to conflate this inaction with near-global denial of the issue—that is incorrect.

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An enemy is being made out of the individual because of an inability to distinguish between what is argued, and how the human mind operates in face of such a multifaceted issue Sumjary so many contributing factors. It is unreasonable to introduce a Greenland Ice Sheet Summary approach to spur action and then blame when that fear-appeal catalyzes nothing because of the hopeless portrait being painted. It proposes steep measures to curb the effects of climate change, including "aggressive population reduction policies" Gowdy, Also noteworthy is that it foresees only hunter-gatherer outcomes in the future.

To make this point very clear: expressly political arguments are beholden to assuming, consciously or otherwise, that ideologically-partitioned outcomes are the only feasible kind. Details that suggest contrary to the measures proposed are often simply ignored.]

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