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Gods And Goddesses In Ancient Egypt

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. Gods And Goddesses In Ancient Egypt

Gods And Goddesses In Ancient Egypt Video

Gods and Goddesses Ancient Egypt

The first stage gathered suggestions: we asked people to type in their suggested names for the list.

The Complete List

After over 4 weeks of gathering suggestions, we began the second stage which lasted over 7 weeks. The second stage asked what names people liked: we asked a new group of respondants to select names that are a good fit from a list of the gathered suggestions.

Gods And Goddesses In Ancient Egypt

The second stage of the survey asking for likes was added because it's hard for a single person to come up with many ideas. When asked to type out suggestions, most respondents only suggested a handful of names.

Other Related Names

Further, it's much easier to express an opinion of a name than use creativity to come up with many ideas. The second stages improves ranking of the less commonly thought of names, and dramatically increases the number of people sharing their input. More respondents means a consensus among thousands of people Efypt of a list biased by a handful of editors.

Gods And Goddesses In Ancient Egypt

Sorting and Filtering The best names are those that received the most votes overall. For names that are the first to come to mind, we only looked at names people entered in the first stage of the survey where people were asked to enter their suggestions instead of selecting names they liked. Names in bold have a high number of votes compared to the number of babies born with the name. For that reason, babies were more likely given the name because it fits "Egyptian Gods And Godesses" than because it is a common name.

Births for first names are taken from births that occurred in the United Anx after From toall births may not be included in the original data set. Any totals for last names are the number of people with the last name as of the last US census. More Lists of Religious Names.]

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